
What does help my Boab mean?

What does help my Boab mean?

Scottish dialect. an exclamation of surprise, now more commonly used for comedic effect. As Doug slid regally past, Scottish fans watching by the roadside were presumably gasping: ‘Jings! Crivens! Help ma boab!’

Who says Jings Crivens help Boab?

Oor Wullie
Crivvens! Help Ma Boab!

What is Oor Wullie’s dog called?

He has a wee pet moose (mouse) called Jeemy and a wee white dug called Harry. One of my Christmas highlights as a child was receiving the latest Oor Wullie or The Broons annual.

Is Oor Wullie related to The Broons?

Annuals. Starting in 1940 the Oor Wullie strips also appeared in the form of a Christmas annual which alternated every second year with “The Broons”, another D. C. Thomson product. (No annuals were published between 1943 and 1946.) Starting in 2015, both titles are now published together annually.

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What does Boab mean?

(ˈbeɪəʊˌbæb ) noun. a bombacaceous tree, Adansonia digitata, native to Africa, that has a very thick trunk, large white flowers, and a gourdlike fruit with an edible pulp called monkey bread. Also called: bottle tree, monkey bread tree.

What does Jings mean in Scottish?

exclamation of surprise
(Scotland) An exclamation of surprise. interjection.

What does Crivvens mean?

Filters. (Scotland, chiefly Edinburgh) An exclamation of astonishment or horror. Jings crivvens an’ help ma boab! interjection.

What comic was Oor Wullie in?

The Sunday Post
Oor Wullie wis yin o the maist popular comic strips in Scotland whan he first appeared in ‘The Sunday Post’ way back in 1936, an guess whit, he still is!

Who is Wee Eck?

Wee Eck is a Scots version of “Little Alex”. It may refer to: A member of Wullie’s gang in the Oor Wullie comic strip, from the Sunday Post. One of the “Jocks” in the comic strip The Jocks and the Geordies, from The Dandy.

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Is Oor Wullie Scottish?

Oor Wullie is the iconic wee Scottish laddie from the fictional town of Auchenshoogle. The image of Wullie sitting on his upturned bucket, wearing his famous black dungarees is as familiar to Scots as Edinburgh Castle. He speaks a unique brand of Scots language which includes his famous sayings ‘Jings!

Are boab and baobab tree the same?

The common name ‘boab’ might reasonably be assumed to be of Aboriginal origin, but it’s actually a corruption of ‘baobab’, an Arabic word of African origin that means ‘father of many seeds’. It’s a clue to the tree’s evolutionary associations because the boab and baobabs belong to the same genus.

Are boab trees native to Australia?

The boab (Adansonia gregorii) is a native to this part of Australia, but is related to the broader group of species called boababs that live in Madagascar and Africa – but more on that connection later. Boabs are also called bottle trees, the tree of life, boababs and Australian boababs.