
What does hypo mean in Chem?

What does hypo mean in Chem?

The prefix hypo- is used to indicate the very lowest oxidation state. The ClO- ion, for example, is the hypochlorite ion. The prefix per- (as in hyper-) is used to indicate the very highest oxidation state. The ClO4- ion is therefore the perchlorate ion.

What does hypo mean in acids?

The acid hypo refers to a lower oxidation state of an element in a series. Take as an example chlorine. The acid with Cl in its highest oxidation state (+7) is perchloric acid HClO4. Its salts are perchlorates, e.g. NaClO4. Next lower oxidation state (+5) is chloric acid HClO3.

What does the root word hypo mean?

Definition of hypo- (Entry 5 of 5) 1 : under : beneath : down hypoblast hypodermic. 2 : less than normal or normally hypesthesia hypotension. 3 : in a lower state of oxidation : in a low and usually the lowest position in a series of compounds hypochlorous acid hypoxanthine.

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What is hypo solution in titration?

It is also known as hypo. Iodine solution is decolourised by sodium thiosulphate (hypo) as sodium tetrathionate and sodium iodide are formed. Both are colourless and soluble. Hypo is oxidised by iodine quantitatively.

What does hypo mean in polyatomic ions?

On the other side of the spectrum, if an ion has a “hypo” prefix, it implies the ion has one less oxygen atom than does an ion with an “ite” suffix. For example, the perchlorate ion has four oxygen atoms, one more than the chlorate ion; the hypochlorite ion has a single oxygen atom, one less than the chlorite ion.

Is hypo a prefix?

Hypo-: Prefix meaning low, under, beneath, down, or below normal, as in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and hyposensitivity (undersensitivity). The opposite of hypo- is hyper-.

What is hypo write down name and formula?

Sodium thiosulfate is an important inorganic salt with several medical uses. It is also called sodium hyposulfite or ‘hypo’. Formula and structure: The chemical formula of sodium thiosulfate is Na2S2O3 and its molar mass is 158.11 g/mol.

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What word has hypo in it?

12 letter words containing hypo

  • hypothetical.
  • hypocritical.
  • hypoglycemia.
  • hypochlorite.
  • hypothalamus.
  • hypoglycemic.
  • hypochondria.
  • hypocalcemia.

What words have the root Hypo?

11-letter words that start with hypo

  • hypothermia.
  • hypothesize.
  • hypotension.
  • hypotensive.
  • hypokalemia.
  • hypospadias.
  • hypothecate.
  • hypoglossal.

What is the formula for hypo?

Sodium thiosulfate/Formula