
What does it mean at your own risk?

What does it mean at your own risk?

Definition of at one’s own risk : with full understanding that what one is doing is dangerous and that one is responsible for one’s own safety Swim at your own risk.

When you do something on your own?

Doing something willingly or voluntarily is doing it of your own volition. You might not always enjoy the books your teacher assigns, but you love the historical novels you pick up of your own volition.

Do by your own?

“to do something yourself” means that the action has to be done by you, and not someone else. “to do something by yourself” and “on your own” both mean that you will do the thing alone. It’s more about who you do the thing with rather than who does the thing.

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Has its own meaning?

: because of its own special qualities and not because of a connection with something else.

How can I be at my own risk?

To do something with the foreknowledge or forewarning that there is implied risk or danger that one must accept as one’s own responsibility. When you choose to gamble, you do so at your own risk.

How do you say at your own risk?

Synonyms for At your own risk:

  1. dicey,
  2. risky,
  3. touch-and-go,
  4. chancy.

Can I call you my own meaning?

Definition of to call one’s own —used to say that something belongs only to oneself I don’t need much—just a little place to call my own.

Is own a real word?

of, relating to, or belonging to oneself or itself (usually used after a possessive to emphasize the idea of ownership, interest, or relation conveyed by the possessive): He spent only his own money.

What is the difference between on your own and by yourself?

Both by myself and on my own may mean ‘without assistance from anybody else’. But by myself may also mean ‘when I was alone’; and on my own may also mean ‘on my own initiative, without being prompted or ordered to do so’.

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Is on your own an idiom?

1 alone; without anyone else: Why are you sitting here on your own? 2 without help: She made it all on her own.