
What does it mean to categorically refuse?

What does it mean to categorically refuse?

If someone accuses you of stealing their lunch and you give a categorical denial, it means that you absolutely deny having anything to do with the theft. Categorical means absolute, unqualified, unconditional.

What does it mean when someone says categorically?

without exception; unconditionally; absolutely: Authorities have categorically denied that any violence took place.My colleagues didn’t merely dislike the music, they categorically declared it wretched.

What does categorically mean in law?

Categorical. That which is unqualified or unconditional. A categorical imperative is a rule, command, or moral obligation that is absolutely and universally binding. Categorical is also used to describe programs limited to or designed for certain classes of people.

What does categorically untrue mean?

It means to deny in an absolute and unequivocal manner. If you say that as far as you remember a certain thing didn’t happen then you are denying in an equivocal or evasive manner. If you say a certain thing absolutely didn’t happen then you are categorically denying that it happened.

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How do you use categorically?

in an unqualified manner.

  1. They totally and categorically deny the charges.
  2. He has categorically denied his guilt all along.
  3. She stated categorically that she had no intention of leaving.
  4. He categorically refused to take part in the project.
  5. He has categorically denied being involved in the fraud.

What does unequivocally deny mean?

/ˌʌn.ɪˈkwɪv.ə.kəl.i/ in a way that is total, or expressed very clearly with no doubt: She unequivocally denied the allegations.

What does categorically false?

What is the synonym of categorically?

List of paraphrases for “categorically”: flatly, unequivocally, emphatically, roundly, strongly, adamantly, outright, firmly, resolutely, vehemently, absolutely, conclusively, definitely, decisively.

What are the synonyms for categorically?

synonyms for categorically

  • actually.
  • definitely.
  • doubtless.
  • exactly.
  • positively.
  • precisely.
  • really.
  • surely.

What term means unequivocally with no exceptions?

absolute; unqualified; not subject to conditions or exceptions: The cosigner of a note gives unequivocal assurance that it will be paid when due.

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Is unequivocally a real word?

in a way that is clear and unambiguous: The theme is unequivocally religious. in a way that is not subject to conditions or exceptions: He offered his forgiveness unequivocally.