
What does it mean to RIM someone sexually?

What does it mean to RIM someone sexually?

That means oral stimulation of the anus. A lot of people of all sexual orientations and genders enjoy analingus. People practicing rimming should be aware that it is risky in terms of disease transmission unless safer sex practices are used.

What does giving someone a rim job mean?

noun The sexual act of rimming (to perform oral sex specifically on the anus); an act in which one partner rims the other.

What does scat stand for?


Acronym Definition
SCAT Sport Competition Anxiety Test
SCAT Somerset College of Arts and Technology
SCAT Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research, Foundation
SCAT Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology

What does RIM stand for in it?


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Acronym Definition
RIM Records and Information Management
RIM RDBMS (Relational Data-Base Management System) Interface Module
RIM Reaction Injection Molding
RIM Rhythm in Motion

What does blood and gore mean?

1 : blood from a wound or cut. 2 : violence and bloodshed The movie had a lot of gore. gore. verb.

What does scatting someone mean?

scat 1. / (skæt) / verb scats, scatting or scatted. (intr; usually imperative) informal to go away in haste.

What is ghore?

ghore. A large district of Afghanistan. This was formerly one of the Persian governments; but in the 12th century its chiefs became independent, overturned the Ghiznian empire, and carried their arms as far as Benares.

What is a pacifist person?

Definition of pacifist (Entry 1 of 2) : an adherent to pacifism : someone who opposes war or violence as a means of settling disputes … the attack inflamed the American public and turned isolationists and pacifists into gung-ho patriots hot for revenge.—