
What does it mean when bleach is concentrated?

What does it mean when bleach is concentrated?

Concentrated bleach is an 8.25 percent solution of sodium hypochlorite, up from the regular, traditional bleach concentration of 5.25 percent. For moms, this means adding less bleach to water for laundry or household disinfection.

Is bleach more concentrated than chlorine?

Bleach and chlorine are the same chemical, and both will keep your pool sparkling. In truth, bleach contains the same base chemical as pool chlorine. That chemical is, of course, chlorine, and the only major difference between the two products is the concentration strength.

What’s the difference between chlorine and bleach?

The basic difference between chlorine and bleach is that chlorine is a natural element, while bleach is a solution of many elements. Moreover, chlorine occurs in nature as an essential part of plants and animals. It also can take shape in two states of matter – gas and liquid.

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What is the main substance in bleach?

sodium hypochlorite
Composition. The active agent in liquid bleach is sodium hypochlorite, which gives the product a light greenish yellow tinge and its characteristic chlorine smell. Formulations for household use usually contain 5\% or less of sodium hypochlorite by weight. More concentrated solutions are available for industrial use.

Can I use bleach instead of liquid chlorine?

Short answer: yes. Longer answer: it depends on the formulation. The label on every bleach bottle should tell you the ratio of sodium hypochlorite (and available chlorine) in the bottle to everything else. A higher percentage is generally better, as you’ll need to use less bleach to treat your pool.

Is laundry bleach the same as household bleach?

There actually is no difference! the bleach you use in your laundry is essentially the same has the bleach you use in cleaning the rest of the house. The only difference there might be is that sometimes you are using oxygen bleach, instead of chlorine bleach.

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Why was bleach created?

Scottish chemist and industrialist Charles Tennant proposed in 1798 a solution of calcium hypochlorite as an alternative for Javel water, and patented bleaching powder (solid calcium hypochlorite) in 1799.

Why is bleach so basic?

Sodium hypochlorite is alkaline, and household bleach also contains NaOH to make the solution even more alkaline. Two substances are formed when sodium hypochlorite dissolves in water. These are hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and the hypochlorite ion (OCl-), with the ratio of the two being determined by the pH of the water.

Is Splashless bleach the same as regular bleach?

Splashless bleach is a little thicker than regular household bleach. It is less likely to splash, but the sodium hypochlorite concentration is only 1-5\%. It isn’t strong enough to sanitize and disinfect, as the label warns, and you will be left with a lot of suds in your water!

What’s the difference between germicidal bleach and regular bleach?

This germicidal bleach is stronger than regular household bleach, so the solution is more diluted. This germicidal bleach is stronger than regular household bleach, so the solution is more diluted.