
What does it take to be a Texas state trooper?

What does it take to be a Texas state trooper?

Applicants must be willing to accept assignment anywhere in Texas. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Applicants must be at least twenty (20) years of age to apply and must be 21 years of age at the time they graduate from the academy class and are promoted to the position of Probationary Trooper. There is no maximum age limit.

Is Texas state trooper a good job?

Very good job. This department builds confidence and is a very serious job. We place our lives on the line so others can live. We keep the people, property and roads in the State of Texas safe. Confidence and keeping the people in the State safe is the most rewarding.

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How much does a state trooper make an hour in Texas?

State Trooper Salary in Texas

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
Top Earners $77,085 $37
75th Percentile $54,048 $26
Average $49,251 $24
25th Percentile $38,542 $19

How much do Texas state troopers get paid?

How does the salary as a State Trooper at Texas Department of Public Safety compare with the base salary range for this job? The average salary for a State Trooper is $64,880 per year in United States, which is 10\% lower than the average Texas Department of Public Safety salary of $72,580 per year for this job.

What is a trooper trainee?

The Police Officer Trainee is a non-safety, non-sworn, at-will position. This position is required to attend an Academy that provides specialized instruction for Police Officer Trainees in a high-stress 26-week California’s Commission of Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) accredited program.

Can you have a beard as a Texas state trooper?

LUBBOCK, Texas — A Texas town is following the lead of other cities and allowing officers to have well-groomed beards. According to, the Lubbock Police Department changed their policy Jan.

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How much does a Texas Game Warden make?

Texas Game Warden Salary According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average game warden in the state of Texas makes a median salary of $64,920 per year.

What is the highest paid police department in Texas?

The Austin Police Department
The Austin Police Department offers a competitive salary structure. Our officers are currently some of the highest paid in the state of Texas….Regular Academy.

During academy (approximately 8 months) $50,000/year rate
At 1 year anniversary of graduation $70,580/year

How much a cop makes in Texas?

The average salary for a police officer is $51,184 per year in Texas. 404 salaries reported, updated at December 10, 2021.