
What does LOCF mean?

What does LOCF mean?

Last Observation Carried Forward
Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF) is a common statistical approach to the analysis of longitudinal repeated measures data where some follow-up observations may be missing.

What is LOCF in SAS?

The last observation carried forward (LOCF) method is a common way for imputing data with dropouts in clinical trial study. The last non-missing observed value is used to fill in missing values at a later time point.

What does baseline observation carried forward mean?

The baseline-observation-carried-forward (BOCF) approach is one method to handle missing data from early treatment discontinuation. We examined modifications of this approach, taking into consideration treatment-related and nontreatment-related reasons for discontinuation.

What is LOCF and WOCF?

LOCF (last observation carried forward): this is probably the most common technique used in the practice in handling the missing data (especially for continuous measures). WOCF (Worst observation carried forward): this approach is the most conservative comparing to LOCF and BOCF.

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What is meant by intention to treat?

Objectives: To assess the methodological quality of intention to treat analysis as reported in randomised controlled trials in four large medical journals. Of these, 12 excluded any patients who did not start the allocated intervention and three did not analyse all randomised subjects as allocated.

What is non responder imputation?

Non-Responder Imputation (NRI) is a common statistical approach for the analysis of binary efficacy variables in immunology clinical trials. These variables can take values of ‘Achieved’ or ‘Not Achieved’.

What is baseline observation?

type of behavioral assessment called baseline observations is becoming increasingly popular. These are recordings of response frequencies in particular situations before any treatment or intervention has been made. They can be used in several ways.

What is last observation carried forward method?

Last observation carried forward (LOCF) is a method of imputing missing data in longitudinal studies. If a person drops out of a study before it ends, then his or her last observed score on the dependent variable is used for all subsequent (i.e., missing) observation points.

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What is WOCF?

WOCF (Worst observation carried forward): this approach is the most conservative comparing to LOCF and BOCF. This technique has been used in analgesia drug as well as the trials with laboratory results as endpoint. For example, WOCF technique is mentioned in FDA Summary on Durolane.

What is modified ITT?

MODIFIED ITT CONCEPT It is a subset of the ITT population and allows the exclusion of some randomized subjects in a justified way (such as patients who were deemed ineligible after randomization or certain patients who never started treatment).

What is ITT population?

In a randomised trial, the set of all randomised patients is known as the ‘intention to treat population’, or the ITT population. This clinical trial study population is intended to represent suitable patients and to be reflective of what might be seen if the treatment was used in clinical practice.

What is FAS analysis?

Efficacy Analysis. • Full Analysis Set (FAS): The set of. subjects that is as close as possible to the. ideal implied by the Intention-to-Treat.