
What does Lulu ULT do?

What does Lulu ULT do?

” Lulu enlarges her ally, knocking enemies away from them. The bonus health can easily surprise the enemy, the knockback can also be used to knock enemies into your team if an enemy is out of position. Really similar to Janna’s ultimate, one Lulu’s ultimate can either win or lose you a team fight.

Is Lulu passive on hit?

No, they don’t apply on-hit effects or procs. Nor does it give spell vamp. It is just a little extra damage, and that’s all.

What does Lulu do League?

Lulu enlarges an ally, knocking nearby enemies into the air and granting the ally a large amount of bonus health. For the next few seconds, that ally gains an aura that slows nearby enemies.

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Why is Lulu Top good?

The purpose of AD Lulu in the top lane is to poke your opponent early while not taking minion damage, and countering their all-ins with your W and R. This can be done by harassing then stepping into brush.

Is Lulu a good support?

When it comes to powerful supports, Lulu is one of the best Enchanters you could choose from. Lulu can thrive with nearly any ADC and is a great champion to pick up and master as a support player.

How good is Lulu?

Lulu 11.23 Lulu Build 11.23 ranks as an A-Tier pick for the Support role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 52.97\% (Good), Pick Rate of 9.07\% (High), and a Ban Rate of 2.36\% (High).

How old is Lulu League?

between 200-400 years old
Have you ever wondered how old Amumu was? How about how much Alistar weighs?

Search Search in Champion Age Height Weight
Champion Age Weight
Lissandra Somewhere between 8996-9996 years old Impossible to guess
Lucian 25 years old 165 lbs / 74.8kg
Lulu Somewhere between 200-400 years old 35 lbs / 15.9kg (Typical Yordle weight)
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What kind of support is Lulu?

Utility Support
Lulu is a Utility Support, she has a few different abilities that can be used to protect her carries and she is really effective at it. 2) She has a lot of poke potential. As she is ranged and has poke abilities, she can do a lot of damage in the laning phase. This is especially true if she’s against melee champions.

Is Lulu good lol?

Lulu is not a great option for bot lane mages, as they do not benefit from her W boost as much as a marksman does. You can first pick Lulu into nearly any team, as she can play either a passive or an aggressive lane, but she does the best against a bot lane that has a low attack range that cannot easily trade with her.