
What does out dented mean?

What does out dented mean?

outdentverb. To indent negatively, bring towards the margin. By default, the summary tasks are bold and outdented, and the subtasks are indented beneath them. Etymology: Modelled on indent, replacing in with its opposite, out.

What is dent mark and damage?

1 : to make a hollow mark in or on I dented my car. 2 : to become damaged by a hollow mark.

Are dented tins safe UK?

Is food safe if the can has a dent in it? Food should remain fit to eat if a can is dented, providing the denting of the can is shallow and there are no other obvious signs that the can is damaged. However, if the denting is deep, the can may have a hidden split, hole or break in the seal.

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Is dent a thing?

a hollow or depression in a surface, as from a blow. a noticeable effect, especially of reduction: to leave a dent in one’s savings; a dent in one’s pride. to make a dent in or on; indent: The impact dented the car’s fender.

How does a dent occur?

A dent is a small hollow mark in the surface of something, caused by pressure or by being hit (Cambridge Dictionary, 2015). Dents can occur in objects made of various metal materials: sheet metal, aluminum, steel, etc.

Why dented cans are bad?

Dented cans are the biggest culprit of botulism . Avoid buying cans with deep dents, especially ones that affect the top, bottom and side seams of the can. Bulging ends of the can means there is a leak in the can, and air has become trapped inside.

Is it safe to use food from dented cans?

As long as the can is in good shape, the contents should be safe to eat. NEVER USE food from cans that are leaking, bulging, or badly dented; cracked jars or jars with loose or bulging lids; canned food with a foul odor; or any container that spurts liquid when opening. Such cans could contain Clostridium botulinu.

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Are dented cans safe?

Most dented cans are still perfectly safe, but this depends heavily on where the can is dented and how deeply. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service suggests laying your finger horizontally into the dent.

Are expired canned goods safe to eat?

It is safe to eat expired properly canned goods as long as the integrity of the can is intact and the can was stored in a cool, dry place.