
What does Sailor Moon mean in Japanese?

What does Sailor Moon mean in Japanese?

Sailor Moon. The heroic Soldier of Love and Justice is called Serena Tsukino in the English version of the series. In the original series, however, her name is Usagi Tsukino. In Japanese, “usagi” means “rabbit”, “tsuki” means “moon”, and “no”, while in the kanji for last names means “field”, its sound also means “of”.

Why is Sailor Moon Important?

The series taught its fans about confidence, friendship and love, and empowered its female fan base, showing them that they can be just as tough as the boys without losing their femininity. These magical warriors have become global icons, and will continue to influence the world of animation.

What was Sailor Moon inspired by?

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Sailor Moon draws its origins from two main sources: Greek mythology and a traditional Japanese folk tale. While the content of the manga/anime lends itself more to the mythological story between Selene and Endymion, the folk tale The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter plays into it as well.

Was Sailor Moon successful?

Since its debut in 1992, “Sailor Moon” has sold over 35 million copies worldwide and launched a multibillion dollar franchise including animated movies and a TV series, merchandise, art books, video games, cafes and stage musicals.

Did Sailor Moon get married?

Becoming their super-identities for a final time, the Scouts defeat the enemy and Usagi and Mamoru tie the knot. Usagi realizes her Sailor Moon years are done — it’s time to start adulting.

How old is Chibi USA?

900 years old
In Sailor Moon Crystal, it is stated clearly that she is 900 years old. She seems to be the equivalent of a 7 or 8 year old when she returns later.

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Does Sailor Moon have 2 daughters?

The short manga story Parallel Sailor Moon explores an alternate dimension where Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask have another daughter named Kousagi and all of the Sailor Scouts also have daughters. In this universe, Sailor Mini Moon is older and more mature. She is a studious and hard-working ninth grader.

Is Chibi Moon evil?

In the manga, Chibiusa transformed into the villain Black Lady. In the original anime series, though, she became Wicked Lady. The character is essentially the same: a brainwashed and grown up version of Mini Moon, a villain who served Wiseman to act as a human form for negative energy.