
What drugs should not be taken with fluvoxamine?

What drugs should not be taken with fluvoxamine?

Do not use fluvoxamine with buspirone (Buspar®), fentanyl (Abstral®, Duragesic®), lithium (Eskalith®, Lithobid®), tryptophan, St. John’s wort, amphetamines, or some pain or migraine medicines (eg, rizatriptan, sumatriptan, tramadol, Frova®, Imitrex®, Maxalt®, Relpax®, Ultram®, Zomig®).

Can you take aspirin with fluvoxamine?

What should I avoid while taking fluvoxamine? Drinking alcohol can increase certain side effects. Ask your doctor before taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, and others. Using an NSAID with fluvoxamine may cause you to bruise or bleed easily.

Does fluvoxamine raise blood pressure?

Taking Luvox with these types of medicines may cause a serious reaction with a sudden increase in body temperature, extremely high blood pressure and severe convulsions.

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What drug class is fluvoxamine in?

Fluvoxamine is in a class of medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Can fluvoxamine and citalopram be taken together?

Nausea and tremor are common with the citalopram–fluvoxamine combination but no serious side-effects were noted from either reported series. Serotonin syndrome is a potential serious adverse reaction with this combination (Box 1).

Can fluvoxamine make you angry?

Fluvoxamine may cause some people to be agitated, irritable or display other abnormal behaviors. It may also cause some children, teenagers, and young adults to have suicidal thoughts and tendencies or to become more depressed.

Can I take two medications together?

As long as a doctor or pharmacist has taken into account the effect of taking two or more medicines at the same time it should be perfectly safe.

What happens when two drugs interact?

When two drugs are used together, their effects can be additive (the result is what you expect when you add together the effect of each drug taken independently), synergistic (combining the drugs leads to a larger effect than expected), or antagonistic (combining the drugs leads to a smaller effect than expected).

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Is fluvoxamine safe to take?

To date, there are no known problems associated with long term use of fluvoxamine. It is a safe and effective medication when used as directed.

Can fluvoxamine cause heart problems?

Taking this drug with fluvoxamine can cause serious heart rhythm problems or sudden death.