
What factors do you think are responsible for the increase in prescription drug abuse?

What factors do you think are responsible for the increase in prescription drug abuse?

Risk factors for prescription drug abuse include:

  • Past or present addictions to other substances, including alcohol and tobacco.
  • Family history of substance abuse problems.
  • Certain pre-existing psychiatric conditions.
  • Exposure to peer pressure or a social environment where there’s drug use.

Why is there a shortage of some medicines?

The causes of shortage are multifactorial, including supply issues, demand issues, and regulatory issues. Supply issues consist of manufacturing problems, unavailability of raw materials, logistic problems, and business problems.

Why would a pharmacist refuse to fill a prescription?

Legitimate refusal: A pharmacist can refuse to fill a valid/on-time prescription for a controlled substance if doing so would harm the patient, such as when the patient is allergic to the medication, the medication would adversely interact with other medications that the patient is taking, or the prescribed dose is …

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When did the FDA approve or regulate over the counter medicines?

On March 27, 2020, the President signed the Over-the-Counter Monograph Safety, Innovation, and Reform Act into law. This act is intended to modernize the process by which FDA regulates over-the-counter monograph drugs.

What kind of shortages are there?

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  • Toilet paper. It’s not the crisis of 2020, but it’s also not in full supply.
  • Toys. Due to shipping complications and supply shortages, many toys are expected to sell out without the promise of being restocked before the holidays.
  • Furniture.
  • Bicycles.
  • Consumer electronics like affordable laptops.

How can drug shortage be manage?

To help your hospital better prepare for a drug shortage, consider the following best practices:

  1. Have a plan. The director of pharmacy should consider developing a plan for managing drug shortages.
  2. Implement structured communications.
  3. Ask the right questions.
  4. Don’t feed the gray market.
  5. Keep it balanced.

How do pharmacies get their drugs?

Pharmacies purchase drugs from wholesalers or directly from manufacturers. After purchasing products, pharmacies must maintain an ample stock of drug products and provide information to consumers about the safe and effective use of prescription drugs.

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How can pharmacies prevent medication errors?

The following is a list of strategies for minimizing dispensing errors:

  1. Ensure correct entry of the prescription.
  2. Confirm that the prescription is correct and complete.
  3. Beware of look-alike, soundalike drugs.
  4. Be careful with zeros and abbreviations.
  5. Organize the workplace.
  6. Reduce distraction when possible.