
What fish go well with Serpae Tetra?

What fish go well with Serpae Tetra?

Ideal tankmates include other active fish of similar or larger size, such as barbs, danios, and larger tetras. Bottom-dwelling catfish and loaches are also suitable tankmates. Avoid keeping this species with fish that have long, flowing fins or that are slow-moving, such as angelfish or bettas.

Are Serpae Tetras fin nippers?

Serpae tetras are notorious fin nippers. There’s really no way to prevent a fish from doing what it does unless you separate it. See if you can return them to where you purchased them or possibly sell or give them to someone who has a tank that can handle their temperament.

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Can Serpae tetras live with shrimp?

Serpae tetras can eat shrimp. If you plan on keeping them in the same tank, add live plants to give the shrimp places to hide.

Can betta fish live with Serpae Tetras?

Serpae tetras are fantastic starter fish and they look amazing but you shouldn’t add them with your betta. The first reasons you shouldn’t add serpae tetras is because they are extremely nippy fish. They will often chase and nip fish that are slower than them.

What fish can live with Congo tetras?

Here are some other species that make good Congo Tetra tank mates:

  • Neon Tetras.
  • Corydoras.
  • Rainbowfish.
  • Celestial Pearl Danio.
  • Ember Tetras.
  • Mollies.
  • Chili Rasbora.
  • Dwarf Cichlids (aka Apistogramma)

How many Serpae Tetras should be kept together?

We recommend keeping a group of 5 to 7. Keep an eye on the group and take out any aggressors that cause harm or make it hard for other fish to eat. Aside from other Serpae Tetras, these fish are compatible with other fast-moving peaceful fish. It’s best to avoid slow fish that could be targeted for fin nipping.

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Are Serpae Tetras Hardy?

Fish Description These red long fin tetras live up to 5 years. Although there are some things to remember, when thinking about serpae tetras tankmates, they are generally very hardy fish and easy to take care of, so they are quite beginner friendly as well.

How big do Serpae Tetras get?

Serpae tetra can grow to be 5 cm (2 in). They have very distinctive coloring with a red body and a black spot near their gills. It is an omnivore and will feed on flake and blood worms.

How many Serpae Tetras are in a 10 gallon?

However, since the tetras usually like to school, I would avoid getting a different type of tetra because you would need to get 5 or more of them for them to be happy and that would be way to many tropical fish in your 10 gallon tank. Serpae Tetras are a very nice, beautiful fish to add to a community aquarium.

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How many Serpae Tetras can be in a 5 gallon tank?

We recommend keeping a group of 5 to 7. Keep an eye on the group and take out any aggressors that cause harm or make it hard for other fish to eat. Aside from other Serpae Tetras, these fish are compatible with other fast-moving peaceful fish.

Can Congo tetras live with Gouramis?

I have two large male pearl gourami along with a school of congos and a few rainbowfish in my 75. Everyone seems to get along fine. My congos do not appear skittish at all. In fact, most of the time they can be found loosely schooling with the rainbow fish.