
What happened in Copper Basin?

What happened in Copper Basin?

After the Civil War, smelting operations, which were used to separate sulfur from the copper ore, resulted in acid rain in the area, and, combined with the logging of nearby forests to fuel the smelters, resulted in a massive environmental disaster that left the surrounding landscape barren for more than a century.

Where is the Copper Basin?

The Copper Basin is found near the junctions of Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia. It covers about 60,000 acres, most of which lie in Polk County, Tennessee. A small area extends into Fannin County, Georgia.

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What is Copperhill tn known for?

Copperhill is located in a geological region known as the Copper Basin, which was the site of a major copper mining operation between the 1840s and 1987.

How did copper Basin Tennessee become an environmental disaster?

Fumes from smelting copper for sulfuric acid have destroyed all vegetation and eroded the land. In 1941 the TVA established a CCC camp in the Basin to enhance their tree planting efforts. Hundreds of acres of pine were planted between 1939 and 1944.

Is copper still mined in Copperhill TN?

Copperhill Tennessee is located in the southeast corner of the state. It gets its name from the copper deposits found in the copper basin in 1843. After the discovery of copper ore the rush was on. Today Copperhill still has its old mining town feel.

How did the soil become contaminated with sulfuric acid in the copper Basin?

The process of smelting the copper released sulfur into the air, which formed sulfuric acid when it mixed with water vapor in the air. This sulfuric acid caused the formation of acid precipitation, which caused air, water, and soil to become polluted.

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What year did Copperhill TN Flood?

Tom King edited a doc in the group: Copper Basin History Preservation. The floods of 1990 were caused by extreme and unusual weather conditions.

How does copper mining cause acid rain?

Acid precipitation in the Copper Basin area was caused by the smelting of the copper ore. As the ore was heated, it gave off gases which contained the chemical sulfur. When this sulfur mixed with the water vapor in the air, sulfuric acid was the result.

How did Copper Basin Tennessee become an environmental disaster?

What is Copperhill TN ZIP code?

37317Copperhill / Zip code

What are the common health problems of mining to miners?

Silicosis, pneumoconiosis (black lung disease), occupational hearing loss, and other medical problems have long been associated with mining operations.

What causes acid precipitation at copper Basin?