
What happens after the avatar series ends?

What happens after the avatar series ends?

Aang was succeeded as the Avatar by Korra, a member of the Southern Water Tribe who is trained in the art of waterbending by Katara. Aang makes a few appearances in The Legend of Korra, both in flashbacks and appearing as a spirit guide to Korra.

Does Ty Lee join Team Avatar?

Ty Lee would become accepted as a member of Team Avatar following the War. She befriended all their members, most notably Katara. These two girls would share a close friendship over the next two years. Ty Lee moved to Kyoshi Island just before 101 AG, beginning her training with the Kyoshi Warriors.

What happened at the end of Avatar The Last Airbender?

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In the finale, Iroh teams up with all the old teachers we’d met throughout the series, and together they retake Ba Sing Se from the Fire Nation. As Iroh burns a Fire Nation flag hanging outside the Royal Palace to reveal the Earth Kingdom insignia beneath it, he spiritually redeems himself.

What happened to Sokka after Avatar?

By the conclusion of the Hundred Year War, Sokka became a master swordsman and a great warrior like his father. After Aang and Zuko formed the United Republic of Nations, Sokka became the representative for the Southern Water Tribe on the United Republic Council, as well as its chairman.

Does the avatar marry Katara?

Katara eventually married Aang, and she later gave birth to the couple’s three children: a waterbending daughter named Kya, named after Katara’s mother, a nonbender son named Bumi, named after Aang’s old friend named King Bumi, and an airbending son named Tenzin.

What happened to Tai Lee and Mai?

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Despite this, both Ty Lee and Mai still helped Zuko and Team Avatar to escape the Boiling Rock, at the cost of their own freedom. At the end of Avatar: The Last Airbender, the two friends were released from prison following Fire Lord Ozai’s defeat.

Does Zuko find his mother?

Zuko Is Reunited With His Mother After learning the truth from the Mother of Faces, Zuko returns to the village and reveals to Noriko/Ursa that he is her son. Noriko then chooses to have her face and memories restored and, finally, she and Zuko are properly reunited.

Who did Aang end up with?

After his victory over the Phoenix King, Aang began a romantic relationship with his close friend, Katara. The couple eventually married and raised a family of three children: Bumi, the oldest, a nonbender who became an airbender later in life; Kya, a waterbender; and the youngest, Tenzin, an airbender.

Did Sokka ever marry?

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Sokka is one of the few members in Team Avatar to seemingly have no children, so it’s unclear if he ever was (or stayed) romantic with anyone. The series never mentions if he was married or even if he had children, though if he did, fans probably would’ve heard some sort of mention from Tenzin about his cousins.