
What happens if a blind person sees SCP 096?

What happens if a blind person sees SCP 096?

The act of perception of a perfect representation of SCP-096 is critical to activating its cognitohazardous effect. A blind person, not being able to perceive its face, is therefore immune to 096’s pursuit because they have no ability to view its face. To put it simply, nothing happens.

How old is bendy?

Creation. Bendy was originally created in 1928 by Henry Stein by Joey’s request prior to the next year (1929) opening of Joey Drew Studios, but the record book of Joey Drew Studios states that Joey Drew was the person who created him. It is unknown who among the 2 is the actual creator.

What happens if you look at SCP-096?

In SCP – Containment Breach, SCP-096 appears wandering around the Heavy Containment Zone of the facility crying. When SCP-096’s face is looked at, it goes into a stage of emotional stress for 40 seconds before hunting down whoever viewed its face. SCP-096 will run directly to its target and kill them.

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What class is the Shy Guy SCP?

Humanoid Predator SCP-096, also known as the Shy Guy, is a Euclid-class object contained by the SCP Foundation. It is mainly known for its psychoanalytical appliance and screams. It is one of the most iconic and recognizable SCPs.

Can scp-1501 punch SCP-096?

There is one definite, however, he is not currently in custody. This SCP is an unremarkable Caucasian man with two main anomalous effects. This means that, theoretically, SCP-1501 could walk up to and punch SCP-096.

What does SCP-096 sound like in Silent Hill?

The audio when SCP-096 chases you is from the Silent Hill: Homecoming drill scene. SCP-096 is similar to Slender Man, who first originated in the Something Awful forums and Enderman, who is from the popular game Minecraft. Both are very tall and aggressive when looked at in the facial area.