
What happens if an induction motor attempts to run at synchronous speed?

What happens if an induction motor attempts to run at synchronous speed?

So, theoretically, the Induction motor can never run at synchronous speed. But due to the reduction of speed, again lag influx will be achieved, and the motor will continue to move at this speed due to flux difference between rotor and stator. In short, an induction motor cannot run at induction speed.

Why the rotor of poly phase induction motor can never attain synchronous speed?

An induction motor always runs at a speed less than synchronous speed because the rotating magnetic field which is produced in the stator will generate flux in the rotor which will make the rotor to rotate, but due to the lagging of flux current in the rotor with flux current in the stator, the rotor will never reach . …

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Why 3-phase synchronous motor will always runs at synchronous speed?

Why a 3-phase synchronous motor will always run at synchronous speed? Because of the magnetic coupling between the stator poles and rotor poles the motor runs exactly at synchronous speed. The rotor speed is synchronous with stator rotating field.

What is synchronous speed in 3-phase induction motor?

In an induction motor, the speed at which the rotating magnetic field (RMF) rotates is known as synchronous speed (NS). The value of the synchronous speed depends upon the number of stator poles (P) in the motor and the supply frequency (f).

Why induction motor always runs at a speed less than synchronous speed?

Actual speed of the induction motor will be less than the synchronous speed. The reason for this is if the armature turns exactly at synchronous speed, then the magnetic field of the stator windings no longer cuts the rotor windings. Under this condition, no current would be induced to the rotor windings.

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Why the speed of synchronous motor is constant?

In the synchronous motor, rotor too have a DC excitation, so it produces a constant flux forming the electromagnetic poles on rotor which initially are stationary. So rotor rotates at the speed decided by frequency and no. Of stator poles.

Why speed of induction motor is less than synchronous speed?

What determines the speed of a 3-phase motor?

The rotating speed of an electric motor depends on two factors: its physical construction, and the frequency (Hz) of the voltage supply. Electrical engineers select the speed of a motor based on the needs of each application, similar to how the mechanical load determines the horsepower required.

Why is the efficiency of an induction motor so poor at high slips?

The efficiency of the induction motor decreases with an increase in the slip. The more copper loss takes place in the rotor with increased slip. The reason is that rotor Cu losses in an IM are directly proportional to the slip. Hence, at higher slip, losses are more and efficiency is low.