
What happens if you lose your admit card?

What happens if you lose your admit card?

No need to panic out. The CBSE offers the service for online generations of duplicate admit cards on to the official website. The duplicate admit card can be obtained by entering your affiliation code as user-id and school code as password. Or you can just go to your principal to get the same.

How do I get an old admit card?

Visit the official website On the right column, click on the link: “ADMIT CARD AND SCHOOL LOC FOR BOARD EXAMINATION 2020” Use the school login ID and password to download the admit card. Save and print for future reference.

Is admit card important?

The Admit Card is one of the most important documents for the board exams. It is mandatory for the students to carry a hard copy of the admit card on the day of the exam. Students who report at the exam center without the printed copy of the admit card shall not be allowed to sit for the exams.

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Is there any use of Class 12 admit card?

Students must keep in mind that CBSE Admit Card is essential for all candidates who will be writing the CBSE board examination. Therefore, candidates failing to produce a proper Admit Card will not enter the examination hall.

How can I download my CBSE admit card?

CBSE Admit Card Download 2022 – Step to Download

  1. Go to the official website of CBSE,
  2. On the home page, click on the link that reads “CBSE admit card 2022 Class 10th or 12th’.
  3. The ‘Authentication details’ page will be displayed on the screen.

How can I get my class 10 roll no?

First Open the

  1. Here you will see Countinue button.
  2. Select your class i.e. Class 10th & 12th and enter Required details like Candidate Name, Father Name, Mother Name & Date of Birth.
  3. hit on search data button.
  4. In next page you will see CBSE Roll no.
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How do I download my cbse admit card?

How can I know my CBSE admit card number?

Go to the official website of CBSE, On the home page, click on the link that reads “CBSE admit card 2022 Class 10th or 12th’. The ‘Authentication details’ page will be displayed on the screen. Enter the credentials such as application number, name, mother’s name and father’s name.

Is admit card and hall ticket same?

The admit card & Hall ticket both are the same word. There is no any difference.