
What happens if you use chemical fertilizers excessively on crop fields?

What happens if you use chemical fertilizers excessively on crop fields?

The application of chemical fertilizers can increase the crop yields quickly, but they also could cause soil hardening and decrease soil organic matter and pH after a long period of application, resulting in loss of soil productivity [55].

Can you use expired fertilizer?

The general answer is no, fertilizer does not go bad if it is properly stored. Fertilizer is made up of a variety of natural minerals and elements that do not break down over time allowing you to store your unused fertilizer from year to year.

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What would happen to crops if farmers did not use Fertilisers?

Fertiliser problems Without fertilisers yields of crops would be lower. However too much fertiliser can pollute water supplies, causing eutrophication . The extra mineral ions cause algae to overgrow, blocking sunlight and killing other plants.

What would happen if fertilizers are not used?

Without fertilizers, nature struggles to replenish the nutrients in the soil. When crops are harvested, important nutrients are removed from the soil, because they follow the crop and end up at the dinner table. If the soil is not replenished with nutrients through fertilizing, crop yields will deteriorate over time.

What is the disadvantage of using chemical fertilizers in modern farming?

The use of chemical fertilizers spoils the soil quality. To pollute watercourses, the dissolved nitrate runs off the lands. modern farming methods require excessive water usage. it kills numerous important microorganisms that are required to improve the soli quality.

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What are disadvantages of chemical fertilizers?

(i)Chemical fertilizers provide minerals which dissolve in water and soon after these are available to plants. But these may not retain in the soil for long. They may escape from the soil and pollute ground water, lakes and rivers. (iii)The continuous use of chemical fertilizers has led to degradation of soil health.

Does chemical fertilizer expire?

Storage best practices can prolong fertilizer’s effectiveness and potency. Liquid fertilizers can last upwards of 10 years, and granular fertilizer has no finite expiration date. It isn’t just the chemical makeup of these products that affects their longevity – proper storage is key.

What are the negative impacts of agriculture?

Agriculture is the leading source of pollution in many countries. Pesticides, fertilizers and other toxic farm chemicals can poison fresh water, marine ecosystems, air and soil. They also can remain in the environment for generations.

Why the use of fertilizers should be reduced?

The use of fertilizers should be reduced bcoz excess of fertilizers can kill plants or the amount of nutrients in the soil will get reduced. In same way animals will also get affected by it when they eat such plants.

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What are the harmful effects of chemical fertilizers Class 9?

Chemical fertilizers provide minerals which dissolve in water and are immediately available to plants. But they may escape from the soil and pollute the groundwater, rivers and lakes. Chemical fertilizers can also kill bacteria and other micro-organisms in the soil.