
What happens in chapter 6 of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

What happens in chapter 6 of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

Summary—Chapter 6: Tom Meets Becky On his way to school, Tom encounters Huckleberry Finn, the son of the town drunkard. Tom agrees to go with Huck to the cemetery that night, trades his yanked tooth for a tick from Huck, and continues on to school. Tom arrives late, and the schoolmaster demands an explanation.

What happens in Chapter 17 of Tom Sawyer?

In St. Petersburg, the townspeople prepare for the funeral to mourn Tom, Joe, and Huck. Their schoolmates tell fond stories about the boys, each one of them trying to tell the story that captures the boys best. Becky regrets that she returned the brass andiron that Tom had given to her.

What happens in Chapter 15 of Tom Sawyer?

Summary—Chapter 15: Tom’s Stealthy Visit Home Tom swims from the end of a sandbar to the nearby Illinois shore and stows away on a ferry to cross back to the Missouri side. At home, Tom finds Aunt Polly, Sid, Mary, and Mrs. Harper sitting together. He hides under a bed and listens to their conversation.

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How did Tom impressed Becky?

Tom draws a house and a man. Although he draws them very badly, Becky Thatcher must be at least a little bit impressed. We can tell that she is impressed because later on, when Tom writes “I Love You” on his slate, she is not angry. Tom drew the house first.

What does Aunt Polly use to pull out Tom’s tooth?

The old lady made one end of the silk thread fast to Tom’s tooth with a loop and tied the other to the bedpost. Then she seized the chunk of fire and suddenly thrust it almost into the boy’s face.

What happened in Chapter 20 of Tom Sawyer?

Summary—Chapter 20: Tom Takes Becky’s Punishment Back at school, Tom attempts a reconciliation with Becky, but she blows him off and looks forward to seeing him whipped for the inky spelling book. She proceeds to find a key in the lock of the teacher’s desk drawer; the drawer contains a book that only the teacher, Mr.

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What happens in Chapter 22 of Tom Sawyer?

Summary and Analysis Chapter 22. Tom admires the uniforms of the Cadets of Temperance and joins them so that he can strut at the funeral of Judge Frazer, who is dying. When the Judge has a turn for the better, Tom resigns from the Cadets of Temperance, but then the Judge has a relapse and dies.

What was Tom’s secret?

Tom’s Secret, is a short animation movie for parents and children. The movie guides parents how to identify child sexual abuse, and, on the other hand, encourages children to share with trusted adults.

How did Tom win Becky’s friendship?

Tom finally wins over Becky’s heart for good by, first, not telling on her for sneaking into the teachers desk and looking at the anatomy book and accidentally tearing one of its pages, and, second and most importantly, for taking the blame and getting whipped for it.

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Why do you think the new girl throws the pansy over the fence?

When Tom first sees Becky in the garden, he begins to “‘show off’ in all sorts of absurd boyish ways, in order to win her admiration” (Chapter 3). Becky pretends to ignore him, but before she goes inside she tosses a pansy over the fence to encourage his attention.

Did Aunt Polly believe Tom’s groaning Why?

No, Aunt Polly did not believe in Tom’s groaning. Because of his little foolishness he said that his sore toe is dying.

What happens in Chapter 18 of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

Summary—Chapter 18: Tom Reveals His Dream Secret Telling her his dream, Tom relates everything he saw and overheard when he crossed the river and sneaked into the house a few nights earlier. Aunt Polly seems amazed by the power of Tom’s vision and forgives him for not having visited her.