
What happens when a charged body is brought near a neutral body?

What happens when a charged body is brought near a neutral body?

When a positively charged body is brought near a neutral body, the electrons (negative charge) in the neutral body gets aligned within the body, towards this positive charge body. This happens because unlike charges attract each other.

What happens when a positively charged body touches a neutral body?

When a positively charged object touches a neutral object (in the case of a conductor) the charge gets distributed between the two bodies.

What happens when a negatively charged object A is brought near a neutral object B?

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When you bring a negatively charged object close to a neutral pith ball, These positive and negative charges attract the two closer and if they touch each other, positive charges get nullified and both bodies become negatively charged. Once both are negatively charged, they tend to repel each other.

What happens if a positively charged object is brought near a neutral object?

Any charged object – whether positively charged or negatively charged – will have an attractive interaction with a neutral object. Positively charged objects and neutral objects attract each other; and negatively charged objects and neutral objects attract each other.

Why do charged bodies attract neutral bodies?

So as soon as some charged body is placed near it, the charged body induces negative charges on the uncharged body. These opposite charges try to accumulate on the surface of the body so as it gets closer to the charged body. Now, as the two bodies have opposite charges on them, they attract each other.

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What will be the charged of a neutral body if it is in contact with a negative charged body and the method of charging is conduction?

During charging by conduction, both objects acquire the same type of charge. If a negative object is used to charge a neutral object, then both objects become charged negatively.

What happens when a negatively charged object A is brought near?

When two negatively charged objects are brought near each other, a repulsive force is produced. When two positively charged objects are brought near each other, a similar repulsive force is produced. When a negatively charged object is brought near a positively charged object, an attractive force is produced.

What happens when a charged object is near an uncharged object?

When we put a charged object near an uncharged object, it produces opposite charges in the near end of the uncharged object by electric induction. If we bring it near an uncharged sphere, the sphere forms negative charge near the glass rod, and positive charged on the end away from glass rod.

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Which happens when a positively charged rod is brought near a neutral plastic ball?

When a charged rod is brought near a neutral substance, an insulator in this case, the distribution of charge in atoms and molecules is shifted slightly. Opposite charge is attracted nearer the external charged rod, while like charge is repelled.