
What happens when a charged rod is placed near an uncharged object?

What happens when a charged rod is placed near an uncharged object?

When we put a charged object near an uncharged object, it produces opposite charges in the near end of the uncharged object by electric induction. If we bring it near an uncharged sphere, the sphere forms negative charge near the glass rod, and positive charged on the end away from glass rod.

What happens when a charged conductor is brought near an uncharged insulator?

A charged conductor is brought near an uncharged insulator. (e) The objects will attract each other only if the conductor has a positive charge.

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What will happen if a charged rod is brought close to the metal sphere without touching it so that no charge is transferred to the sphere?

Figure 18.8 (a) When a charged rod is brought near the metal sphere without touching it, some of the positive and negative charges in the sphere are separated. (b) Some of the electrons leave the sphere through the grounding wire, with the result (c) that the sphere acquires a positive net charge.

Why is an uncharged conducting sphere attracted to a charged rod?

An uncharged metal sphere has free electrons that can move around inside it. When a negative rod is brought near an uncharged metal sphere, the electrons in the sphere are pushed away from the side of the sphere closest the rod and move to the other side of the sphere.

When an uncharged metal sphere is brought?

What happens when a charged insulating object is brought near an uncharged conducting object?

There are a variety of methods to charge an object. One method is known as induction. In the induction process, a charged object is brought near but not touched to a neutral conducting object. The presence of a charged object near a neutral conductor will force (or induce) electrons within the conductor to move.

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What happens when a negatively charged rod is brought near an uncharged electroscope?

When a negatively charged object is brought near the knob of a neutral electroscope, the negative charge repels the electrons in the knob, and those electrons move down the stem into the leaves. Excess electrons flow from the rod into the ball, and then downwards making both leaves negatively charged.

When an uncharged metal sphere is brought closer to a positively charged sphere the uncharged sphere will?

Suppose a positively charged sphere is brought near an unchanged metallic sphere, then on nearer surface of the uncharged sphere, negative charge is induced and on farther will obsrved between these two shperes.

What happens when a negatively charged rod is brought near an uncharged sphere?