
What happens when acetone reacts with H2SO4?

What happens when acetone reacts with H2SO4?

Acetone : When acetone is distilled with conc. H2SO4, it forms mesitylene .

What happens if you mix acetone with acid?

Acetone will be oxidized with explosive violence if brought into contact with the mixed (nitrating) acids, particularly under confinement.

What happens when an alcohol reacts with H2SO4?

Concentrated sulfuric acid produces messy results. Because sulfuric acid is also a strong oxidizing agent, it oxidizes some of the alcohol to carbon dioxide and is simultaneously reduced itself to sulfur dioxide. Sulfuric acid also reacts with the alcohol to produce a mass of carbon.

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Is acetone soluble in sulfuric acid?

The uptake of acetone vapor by liquid sulfuric acid has been investigated over the range of 40−87 wt \% H2SO4 and between the temperatures 198 and 300 K. The solubility of acetone in liquid sulfuric acid was found to increase with increasing acid concentration and decreasing temperature.

What happens when D Glucopyranose react with acetone in presence of H2SO4?

D-Glucose reacts with acetone in the presence of acid to yield the nonreducing 1,2:5,6− diisopropylidene-D-glucofuranose.

What type of reaction is Cyanohydrin formed from acetone?

The formation of cyanohydrin from acetone is an example of nucleophilic addition.

What happens if you mix acetone and hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide mixed with organic solvents is known to form dangerous peroxides. Hydrogen peroxide and acetone is an especially hazardous combination that can form various explosive peroxides when mixed at high concentration while using an acid catalyst.

Can you mix acetone and bleach?

In this example, mixing acetone with bleach creates toxic chemicals that could further react with any remaining bleach to create a fatal fume cloud. This reaction happens spontaneously and without warning. Mixing these two will form a corrosive, toxic chemical known as peracetic acid.

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Is Sulphur is insoluble in H2SO4?

Sulphur will dissolve in nonpolar solvents such as carbon disulphide, toluene or xylene. Sulphuric acid is extremely polar. S does not get dissolved in H2SO4. It should be converted to its oxidized form (SO2) before trying to dissolution into very polar inorganic solvents such as H2SO4.

Is Sulphur soluble in acetone?

Sulfur (S) Sulfur, particularly in its S8 form, is insoluble in water but dissolves in carbon disulfide, anhydrous liquid ammonia and methylene iodide. It is moderately soluble in benzene, toluene, chloroform and acetone, its solubility increasing with temperature.