
What happens when chloromethane react with sodium metal in dry ether give chemical equation and name the reaction?

What happens when chloromethane react with sodium metal in dry ether give chemical equation and name the reaction?

Wurtz- fittig reaction: when chloro benzene treated with sodium and chloromethane in dry ether, it gives toluene as main product. It is manufactured from tetra-chloromethane by the action of antimony trifluoride in the presence of antimony pentafluoride.

What happens when chlorobenzene reacts with sodium in presence of dry ether?

Chlorobenzene on treatment with sodium in dry ether gives diphenyl.

What does sodium and dry ether do?

The reaction of alkyl halides with sodium in presence of dry ether is known as wurtz reaction. This reaction is used to prepare higher alkanes. Note: The reaction will begin in the presence of dry ether as a catalyst. If dry ether is not present then sodium metal will react with oxygen to form oxides.

When Bromoethane and Bromoethane together are treated with sodium metal in dry ether produces?

Explanation: Wurtz reaction: Reaction of alkyl halide with sodium metal in the presence of the dry ether results in formation of higher alkanes.

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What is the product of reaction between chloroethane and sodium metal in dry ether?

The Product is Butane.

What will be the product formed when chlorobenzene is heated with sodium metal in dry ether give balanced equation?

Chlorobenzene is heated with sodium metal in presence of dry ether gives diphenyl compound.

When phenyl bromide is treated with sodium in dry ether the product is?

When methyl bromide is treated with sodium in the presence of dry ether, ethane is formed. This reaction is known as the Wurtz reaction.

What does dry ether do in reaction?

In Wurtz reaction, dry ether, or acetone usually, acts as a solvent. This is taken because, we want the sodium to react with the halogen in the organic compound. If any polar solvent like water is used, it will ionize sodium, completely surround it, such that it cannot form sodium halide.