
What happens when magnesium reacts with sulphuric acid?

What happens when magnesium reacts with sulphuric acid?

Reaction of magnesium ribbon with dilute sulphuric acid to form magnesium sulphate and hydrogen is a combination reaction.

What is the word equation for sulphuric acid and magnesium?

Overall rxn: H2SO4 + Mg^o = H2 + MgSO4.

What happens when copper turnings are heated with concentrated sulphuric acid?

On heating copper turnings with conc. H2SO4 , a colourless gas with pungent smell is evolved which decolourises acidified KMnO4 solution.

Does magnesium react with dilute sulphuric acid?

Magnesium reacts with dilute sulphuric acid to form magnesium sulphate and hydrogen gas. This is a single displacement reaction and also exothermic.

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Why does copper react with sulphuric acid but not HCL?

As copper is less reactive than hydrogen hence cannot displace hydrogen in dilute hydrochloric acid or dilute sulphuric acids (non-oxidizing acids). But concentrated sulphuric acid itself is an oxidizing agent, hence it gives Redox reaction with copper, here Cu is oxidized to Cu2+ and SO42- is reduced to SO2.

What happens when copper is added to a solution of magnesium chloride?

When magnesium is placed in copper sulfate solution a redox reaction occurs, causing copper metal to form on the magnesium and the deep blue colour of the solution pales.

What does sulphuric acid and magnesium hydroxide make?

In your case, sulfuric acid, H2SO4 , a strong acid, will react with magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2 , a weak base, to form aqueous magnesium sulfate, MgSO4 , and water.

How does conc H2SO4 react with copper?

So copper does not react with dilute sulphuric acid but reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid. When copper is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid. Concentrated sulphuric acid is an oxidising agent . The copper (II) ions are formed in the aqueous solution.

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When sulphuric acid reacts with copper How does the oxidation of number of the sulfur change?

When copper reacts with conc. H2SO4 , the oxidation state of sulphur is not changed.