
What have we recently discovered about the rate of expansion of the universe?

What have we recently discovered about the rate of expansion of the universe?

In June 2016, NASA and ESA scientists reported that the universe was found to be expanding 5\% to 9\% faster than thought earlier, based on studies using the Hubble Space Telescope.

What you have learned about the expanding universe?

The universe is expanding. Observations show that the spectral lines of distant galaxies are redshifted, and that their recession velocities are proportional to their distances from us, a relationship known as Hubble’s law.

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What was the implication of having dense areas in the ancient universe?

If the universe were too dense then it would re-collapse into a gravitational singularity. However, if the universe contained too little matter then the self-gravity would be too weak for astronomical structures, like galaxies or planets, to form. Since the Big Bang, the universe has expanded monotonically.

What implications does the evidence for dark energy have for the fate of the universe?

What implications does the evidence for dark energy have for the fate of the universe? The expansion would accelerate with time, causing galaxies to recede from one another with ever-increasing speed.

What do you think is causing the expansion of the universe and the directional movement of galaxies from one another?

Galaxies rotate around their centers with the sections of the galaxy that are farther out from the galaxy’s center rotating more slowly than the material closer to the center. Galaxies are also moving away from each other due to the expansion of the Universe brought on by the Big Bang.

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Which discovery revealed the expansion of the universe?

Edwin Hubble
In 1929, Edwin Hubble, an astronomer at Caltech, made a critical discovery that soon led to scientific answers for these questions: he discovered that the universe is expanding.

Do you think the universe is expanding until now?

Until recently, cosmologists (the scientists who study the universe) assumed that the rate of the universe’s expansion was slowing because of the effects of gravity. However, current research indicates that the universe may expand to eternity.