
What If I had a nickel for every time?

What If I had a nickel for every time?

Meaning: When someone uses this expression, they mean that the specific thing happens a lot. It is an abbreviation of the statement ‘If I had a nickel for every time that happened, I would be rich’

What does having a nickel mean?

Nickel, as in doing a nickel or “serving a five-year prison sentence,” was used as early as 1953. It was sometimes combined with dime for a 10-year sentence (e.g., doing a nickel-and-dime, or 15 years).

How many nickels does it take to make a dollar?

20 nickels
Answer: 100 pennies, 20 nickels, 10 dimes, or 4 quarters; each = 1 dollar.

What is a nickel worth?

5 cents
The value of each coin is: A nickel is worth 5 cents. A dime is worth 10 cents. A quarter is worth 25 cents.

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How much money is a nickel?

The nickel is a US coin worth five cents.

How many nickels makes 2$?

Have you ever looked at a coin roll and wondered how many coins are contained in each one? Beyond the usual $. 50 per penny roll or 40 nickels to complete a $2 roll, the denominations can become less self-explanatory the higher the face value and physical thickness of a coin.

How many nickels make a dime?

A dime is worth 10 cents and a nickel is worth 5 cents. Therefore two nickels are worth the same as one dime.

How many nickel make a dollar?

What is the rarest nickel?

The 1913 Liberty Nickel is not only the rarest nickel in the world, it is one of the most valuable coins ever. There are only five known 1913 Liberty Nickels and in May 2007, one was sold for nearly $5 million!

What does ‘if I had a nickel for every time’ mean?

The line in the movie is a parody of the widespread English expression: “If I had a nickel for every time [X happened], I’d be rich,” which is used to express the large reoccurrence of a situation or an event.

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What would Franky do if he only had a nickel for?

If I only had a nickel for every time he’s baffled us!” The Goon: According to Franky, if he had a dime for every time someone told him something he was looking for was “hiding out in the woods and living on the flesh of men” he’d live in a palace made of rubies and candy.

What if a nickel popped out for every joke?

If a nickel popped out for every joke at the expense of [insert popular hate target here ], nobody would be poor. In book 1, the late Godfrey Priest’s agent has to listen to a man complaining about the quality of literature nowadays and lamenting the commercialism of it all, how people have come to write for money over “literary merit”.

What movie is if I had a nickel from?

Updated about a month ago by andcallmeshirley. Dr. Doofenshmirtz’ “If I Had A Nickel” refers to a line of dialogue by Heinz Doofenshmirtz in the 2011 movie Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension.