
What if Sam was nice to Smeagol?

What if Sam was nice to Smeagol?

See, If Sam was kind to Gollum Then Smeagol would have won his struggle and became free of the possession of the ring…he wouldn’t have tricked Frodo into Shelob’s liar and he would have lead them to mount doom…

Would Frodo and Sam have made it without Gollum?

Would Frodo and Sam have made it to Mt. Doom without Gollum? No, not at all. Gollum not only guides them out from Emyn Muil, the rock labyrinth after nearly killing them, he safely takes them through the dead marshes, to the Black Gate, and safely up Cirith Ungol.

Who really destroyed the ring?

The hobbits, followed by Gollum, reached Mount Doom, where Frodo was overcome by the Ring’s power and claimed it for himself. At that moment, Gollum bit off his finger, taking back the Ring, but, gloating, he and the Ring fell into the fires of Mount Doom. The Ring and Sauron’s power were destroyed.

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What is the relationship between Sam and Frodo like?

While Frodo and Sam mostly get along well despite being in rather depressing conditions as they approach Mordor, things change drastically when Gollum enters the picture. Frodo has a complicated relationship with Gollum because he wants to believe he can be saved, but Sam never trusts Gollum.

What is the relationship between Frodo and Gollum?

Frodo has a complicated relationship with Gollum because he wants to believe he can be saved, but Sam never trusts Gollum. This does cause strife between the two of them, but the way Sam is always trying to protect Frodo and have his best interests is very endearing.

Why can’t Frodo carry the ring?

As Frodo is suffering from the weight of the Ring, Sam is the one helping him make it to that final leg of the marathon. He can’t carry the Ring, but he does the next best thing. It’s because of his strength, despite also being hungry and thirsty, that Frodo makes it all the way up and is able to finish the quest.

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Why is Sam so important in The Lord of the Rings?

Sam is a stalwart and reliable person, and his strength of heart can’t really be overestimated. As Frodo is suffering from the weight of the Ring, Sam is the one helping him make it to that final leg of the marathon. He can’t carry the Ring, but he does the next best thing.