
What if someone is not paying maintenance?

What if someone is not paying maintenance?

If a resident has not paid his maintenance due till the decided due date, you may give a written notification of 12 days extra to make the payment, and then a grace period of 3 days. For re-connection of services, defaulter has to additionally pay some amount as penalty.

What will happen if I don’t pay society maintenance?

If you have not been paying your maintenance bills, your housing society can now take action against you, and your home can even be auctioned off. If you have not been paying your maintenance bills, your housing society can now take action against you, and your home can even be auctioned off.

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How can I fix maintenance charges on my apartment?

Per square feet method is the most used method for calculating maintenance charges for housing societies. According to this method, a fixed rate is charged per square feet of the area of an apartment. For instance, the rate per square feet maintenance charge for an apartment complex is Rs. 3.0 per sq feet per month.

Who pays maintenance on rental?

Hence payment towards such maintenance is paid by tenant. Generally, maintenance cost is decided by members of owners’ association of an apartment. Maintenanc cost is decided based on per square feet of the flat. For example, maintenance cost per square feet is Rs.

Should builder pay maintenance for unsold flats?

The maintenance charges have to be paid by all the owners, whether the apartments are occupied or not. The maintenance charges for unsold flats should be borne by the builder till they are sold, and thereafter by the purchasers.

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Do you have to pay maintenance charges on an apartment?

While most, if not all, the apartment owners have to pay these common maintenance charges, there aren’t many great resources that answer questions like ‘how much is reasonable,’ ‘am I paying more than what is required,’ or ‘is there any flat maintenance charges law to protect me if I feel I’m paying more’.

Can housing societies charge maintenance charges based on the size of flat?

Housing societies are within their rights to collect maintenance charges, based on the size of the flat, the Telangana State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission has ruled.

Should maintenance charges be based on the plinth area of flats?

The Commission said that if a legally elected body like the RWA (residents’ welfare association) decides to collect maintenance charges based on the plinth area of flats, rather than charging the same amount from all the residents irrespective of the flat’s size, owners of bigger flats have no reason to find fault with that methodology.

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Can I sue the owner of an apartment for not paying maintenance?

If the owner of the apartment fail to pay the amount then you can file a suit for recovery money for not paid the maintenance amount. 1. Payments of maintenance isn’t connected with the possession of property. So the flat owners are bound to provide maintenance. 2.