
What is 5W-20 motor oil used for?

What is 5W-20 motor oil used for?

What Is 5W-20 Oil Good For? As 5W-20 is a low viscosity oil, it’s best suited for cars that drive a lot in low temperatures and colder climates. It’s ideally recommended for light-duty petrol and gasoline engines, and can help with engine deposits and wear and tear problems.

What is the difference between 5W-20 oil and 5W 40 oil?

It would be unusual for both weights to be meet the specs for one vehicle. As an example: Mobil 1 5W-40 has a viscosity of 80 at 40 degrees C, and 13.7 at 100 degrees C. While Mobil 1 5W-20 has corresponding viscosities of 49.8 and 8.9. Clearly the 5W-40 is a MUCH thicker, denser, heavier oil (both full synthetics).

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What do engine oil specifications mean?

There are two numbers that define the viscosity of an oil. The first number ends with the letter ‘W’, which stands for Winter. This measurement is related to how an oil flows when it is cold, such as at engine start-up. The second number is defined by how an oil flows at normal engine operating temperatures.

What happens if I put 5w30 instead of 5w20?

What Will Happen If You Put 5w30 Instead Of 5w20? Using 5W-30 instead of 5W-20, you risk damaging your car’s engine because the internal engine components work with 5W-20 motor oil. 5W-20 and 5W-30 motor oil both have the same winter rating. Higher viscosity numbers suggest a heavier oil that flows slower.

Can I put 10W40 instead of 5W20?

In a 5W20 engine. You could use a 0W20 oil (I use 0W20 oil) in cold weather and it would be Ok by Ford. (they will not say it is good, but they will still honor the warranty..) But 10W40 is way off, and I bet they would be not so happy over any engine problems if they found 10W40 in a failed engine.

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What oil is equivalent to 5W20?

0W20 should be a acceptable substitute for 5W20, as it will (should) be in the apropriate viscosity range over the same temperature range.