
What is a 1st sergeant in the Marines?

What is a 1st sergeant in the Marines?

FIRST SERGEANT – serves as the senior enlisted Marine in the company, assisting in their unit’s discipline, administration, morale, and Marine welfare matters. MASTER GUNNERY SERGEANT – provides technical leadership as specialists in their specific MOS.

What are Marine ranks in order?


  • Private (Pvt/E-1)
  • Private First Class (PFC/E-2)
  • Lance Corporal (LCpl/E-3)
  • Corporal (Cpl/E-4)
  • Sergeant (Sgt/E-5)
  • Staff Sergeant (SSgt/E-6)
  • Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt/E-7)
  • Master Sergeant (MSgt/E-8)

How long does it take to become a Marine master sergeant?

Master Sergeant/First Sergeant (E-8) – 8 years TIS and 4 years TIG. Master Gunnery Sergeant/Sergeant Major (E-9) – 10 years TIS and 3 years TIG.

What level is a master sergeant?

Master Sergeant (MSG) is the eighth enlisted grade (E-8), ranking above sergeant first class and below sergeant major, command sergeant major, Sergeant Major of the Army, and equal in grade but not authority to a first sergeant.

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What rank is after First Sergeant?

Army Ranks Chart

Pay Grade Rank Abbreviation
E-7 Sergeant First Class SFC
E-8 Master Sergeant MSG
E-8 First Sergeant 1SG
E-9 Sergeant Major SGM

How much does a First Sergeant make in the Marines?

A First Sergeant is a senior enlisted advisor in the United States Marine Corps at DoD paygrade E-8. A First Sergeant receives a monthly basic pay salary starting at $0 per month, with raises up to $6,390 per month once they have served for over 30 years.

What are the duties of a master sergeant?

Master Sergeant (E-8) The master sergeant is the principal NCO at the battalion level, and often higher. They are not charged with all the leadership responsibilities of a first sergeant, but are expected to dispatch leadership and other duties with the same professionalism.