
What is a conditional order?

What is a conditional order?

Conditional orders are those which will only be executed or activated in the market if certain criteria are met. Limit, stop, stop-limit, and contingent orders are all examples of conditional orders. Conditional orders do not guarantee a full or partial execution due to the criteria that must be met.

How do you trade conditional orders?

Order Type In Depth – Conditional Buy Order

  1. Step 1 – Create a Limit Buy Order.
  2. Step 2 – Add Condition to the Order.
  3. Step 3 – Place Conditional Order for 1 XYZ Option Contract.
  4. Step 4 – Market Price of Underlying Falls, Condition Satisfied.
  5. Step 5 – Market Price of Option Contract Falls, Limit Order Filled.

What is a conditional sell?

Conditional Orders allow you to set specific conditions to buy or sell shares at a certain price if a share reaches that price in the market – and we’ll place your order without you having to contact us.

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What does TIF mean in trading?

Time in force
Time in force is a special instruction used when placing a trade to indicate how long an order will remain active before it is executed or expires.

What is an advanced order?

an order for a product that is made before a product is available to buy: advance order for sth Advance orders for the book hit a record: 1.5 million in stores and online.

Are conditional orders options?

A conditional order allows you to set order triggers for stocks and options based on the price movement of stocks, indexes, or options contracts. There are 5 types: contingent, multi-contingent, one-triggers-the-other (OTO), one-cancels-the-other (OCO), and one-triggers-a-one-cancels-the-other (OTOCO).

What is conditional order Tiger brokers?

5. Conditional Order. Once the trigger condition is fulfilled, a placed order will be automatically filled immediately. A placed order may be modified or cancelled. If the trigger condition is not fulfilled, the trigger condition may also be modified.

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What is GTX order?

good-till-canceled order (GTC or GTX) An order to buy or sell a stock, usually at a specified price, that remains in effect until the order is executed or canceled.

What is advance order type in trading?

Key Takeaways. Advanced stock orders are designed for special trading circumstances that require extra specifications. Most advanced orders are either time-based (durational orders) or condition-based (conditional orders) Advanced order types can be useful tools for fine-tuning your order entries and exits.