
What is a control number on an insurance card?

What is a control number on an insurance card?

Apr 25, 2019 — PCN: A processor control number (PCN) is another identifier used to route pharmacy reimbursements. PCNs may be alphanumeric or numeric.(1)…

How do I find my BIN and PCN?

Your (1) Member ID number, (2) Rx BIN, (3) PCN, and (4) Group ID (or Rx Group) number are the four numbers that uniquely identify you and your Medicare Part D prescription drug plan – and these four numbers are usually found on your Medicare Part D Member ID card and most of you Medicare plan correspondence or printed …

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Is member ID the same as policy number?

Your health insurance policy number is typically your member ID number. This number is usually located on your health insurance card so it is easily accessible and your health care provider can use it to verify your coverage and eligibility.

How do I find my Ncpdp number?

Contact NCPDP Provider Services Department at 480.734. 2870 or [email protected], or complete a Processor ID Application. Your number will be assigned and notification will be delivered via fax or email.

What is a processor control number?

The Processor Control Number (PCN) is a secondary identifier that may be used in routing of pharmacy transactions. A PBM/processor/plan may choose to differentiate different plans/benefit packages with the use of unique PCNs. The PCN is defined by the PBM/processor as this identifier is unique to their business needs.

What does RxBin mean on insurance card?

RxBin – the Bank Identification Number routes a claim towards the right insurance. RxPCN – the Processor Control Number further narrows the claim to the specific insurance. ID – the member’s designated identification number. RxGrp – the prescription group number denotes which group plan the member ID falls under.

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What does bin mean in health insurance?

The NCPDP Processor ID Number (BIN) is a six-digit number that health plans can use to process electronic pharmacy claims if they do not use pharmacy benefit cards with a magnetic stripe.

Is member ID and subscriber ID the same?

Security and Registration Answers. back to FAQ listWhere can I find my Member ID number? This is also called your Subscriber ID number, and you can find it on your Health Net insurance card. You can also register if you do not know your ID number.

Who needs an Ncpdp number?

“A NCPDP assigned number that provides pharmacies with a unique, 7-digit national identifying number that assists pharmacies in their interactions with federal agencies and third party providers. The NCPDP Provider Identification Number was formerly known as the NABP (National Board of Pharmacy) number.

What does Ncpdp number stand for?

NCPDP_ID. This is the unique, national identification number assigned by the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) to every licensed pharmacy in the United States and its territories.

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What insurance has bin number 610014?


Name Bin # Group #
Commercial 610014 3602
ASO 610014 3602
Medicare 610014 THPMEDI
Medicaid Administered through Molina Medicaid Solutions – 1.888.483.0801 610154

What is RX 610502?

What BIN code do I use to process claims? All prescriptions submitted to Aetna for online adjudication must use BIN code 610502. Your software vendor will help you to obtain and install/set up the necessary software to submit claims online.