
What is a Deadwood clear?

What is a Deadwood clear?

Dead wood is the term for downed pins that have fallen in front of the sweep, so they don’t get cleared from the lane. They need to be manually removed before the next ball.

What is a 180 in bowling?

180: A pinsetter malfunction in which the sweep bar is stuck at the back of the lane, halfway through a pinsetter cycle. 270: A pinsetter malfunction in which the pin sweep is stuck at the front of the pin deck and the setter is unable to lower the next set of pins.

What is a good candlepin score?

” Scores are lower than ten pin. Thomsen’s personal best for a single game (or “string,” in candlepin parlance) is 186. To put that in perspective, the perfect score — 300 — is possible, but has never been achieved.

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What does fence mean in bowling?

Fence: A scenario where everybody on a team had an open frame in the same frame. Five Bagger: Five consecutive strikes bowled by the same person in the same game. Flat Ball: A ball that is rolled with little spin or rotation – usually ineffective.

What does a slash mean in bowling?

A ten-pin bowling score sheet showing how a spare is scored: A player achieving a spare is awarded ten points, plus a bonus of whatever is scored with the next ball (only the first ball is counted). It is typically rendered as a slash on score sheets in place of the second pin count for a frame.

What is a cherry in bowling?

Cherry–The ball knocks down only the front pin or pins in an attempt for a spare. Frame–One-tenth of a game. A player can roll twice in each frame (except the 10th frame, in which a bowler may roll three times, in the case of a strike or spare). Frame also refers to the squares on the score sheet.

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What is it called when you hit all the pins in bowling?

• If you knock down all the pins with the first ball, it is called a “strike” • If you knock down all the pins with the second ball, it is called a “spare”

What are candlepin balls made of?

It is available in different colors and can be made out of wood, rubber, plastic, or a mix of the 3 materials. A Candlepin Bowling Ball is lighter in weight the candlepins used to play.