
What is a fly under?

What is a fly under?

fly under (the/someone’s) radar To go without being noticed, detected, or addressed.

How do I get under the radar?

Some things to help you stay under the radar include:

  1. Don’t reveal intended travel plans or where you are staying to strangers. Ever.
  2. Don’t tell strangers your life story.
  3. Always know where your gear and valuables are. Use money belts for securing cash when the environment is unsafe.
  4. Be polite and firm with touts.

Is flew under the radar an idiom?

To go without being noticed, detected, or addressed. A: “Have you heard this band’s latest album?” B: “I didn’t even know it was out, it must have flown under my radar.” Every year, the government promises to do something about the homelessness problem, yet every year it seems to fly under the radar again.

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How high up can radar detect planes?

Most air traffic control radars can detect aircraft flying significantly higher than 10,000 meters. However, there is an area directly above the antenna known as the “cone of silence”. At higher altitudes, there is a larger area that the radar cannot see.

What does it mean to be under the radar?

Definition of under the radar : not getting attention : unnoticed He tried to stay under the radar as he went about his business.

How do I get completely off the radar?

Best ways to stay anonymous

  1. Get Off Public Accounts – Use Other Web Browsers/Search Engines. Google is number one in everything.
  2. Change Your Passwords Frequently.
  3. Go HTTPS Every Day of Your Life.
  4. Secret Email Address.
  5. Go Virtually Private with a VPN.
  6. Take a Tor.
  7. Dispose Your Phone.
  8. Anonymous Money Transactions.

What does it mean to slip under the radar?

To go unnoticed
(idiomatic) To go unnoticed, especially for a long period of time.

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What does staying under the radar mean?

The most effective way to stay under the radar is to live a simple life. Giving no reason for scrutiny. The more things and property you own the more that you should have been responsible for taxes.

What does on Your Radar mean?

on (one’s) radar (screen) Considered important or noteworthy; within the spectrum of (someone’s) awareness, attention, or consideration. If you want this issue on people’s radar, you have to frame it as something that will impact their wallets.

What is off the radar?

off the radar definition, off the radar meaning | English dictionary. radar. 1 a method for detecting the position and velocity of a distant object, such as an aircraft. A narrow beam of extremely high-frequency radio pulses is transmitted and reflected by the object back to the transmitter, the signal being displayed on a radarscope.