
What is a good amplifier signal to noise ratio?

What is a good amplifier signal to noise ratio?

It is generally considered that a good signal to noise ratio is 60 dB or more for a phono turntable, 90 dB or more for an amplifier or CD player, 100 dB or more for a preamp.

Why is my tube amp so noisy?

More often than not, when your amp is making a humming sound, it’s caused by dirty power, a bad ground connection, or fluorescent lighting.

Do preamp tubes cause hum?

Preamp Tubes. Preamp tubes usually cause problems through noise or microphonics. If noise, you will hear hiss, crackling, popping or similar issues. If you hear squeal, hum or feedback, it is typically a microphonic tube.

Do you want high or low signal-to-noise ratio?

A signal-to-noise ratio over 0 dB indicates that the signal level is greater than the noise level. The higher the ratio, the better the signal quality. For example, a Wi-Fi signal with S/N of 40 dB will deliver better network services than a signal with S/N of 20 dB.

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What is a good signal to noise ratio?

A good signal to noise ratio is 60 dB for a phono turntable, 90 dB for an amplifier or CD, 100 dB for a preamp. Note that the signal/noise ratio of a domestic room (background noise from the street and the wind/level bearable by the ears) is of the order of 80 dB. Previous Post Benefits of Having Bike Helmet Along With the Speaker

What is the design of this 12AX7 preamp?

The design is exactly the same as the 12AX7 preamp, it is a single gain stage triode tube with cathode follower. Schematics : I am not going into the details that how the loadline is chosen and how the resistor values are calculated, please reference to my 12AX7 preamp page if you want more information.

How do you calculate tube gain on a 12AU7?

Gain = (Tube Gain x Plate load resistor)/ (plate load resistor + plate resistance + ( (tube gain +1) * cathode resistor)). With 12AU7, the plate resistance = 7.2k, tube gain = 17. Using these value in the above formula, the calculated gain is 10.

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What is the best tube amplifier for phono?

The Muzishare X7 is one of the most versatile tube amplifiers available today. It can be used for a wide range of music genres, whereas other competitors are designed for certain genres only. It can be linked to a preamp signal input, and with the aid of the phono function, you can easily connect it to your phono player.