
What is a good half-marathon time for a 15 year old?

What is a good half-marathon time for a 15 year old?

Average half marathon run time by age and ability

Age Beginner Intermediate
15 07:07 05:05
20 06:52 04:55
25 06:52 04:55
30 06:52 04:55

At what age can a kid run a half-marathon?

About the age of 12 years, children can run a half-marathon.

How long does it take to run 15km?

The 15k would take you about an hour and 10 minutes (70 minutes). If you are able to run that distance under an hour and a half (90 minutes), most people will call you a good runner. If you are able to finish under 2 hours, you may be walking part of it. But you are in better shape than most people on the planet.

How far should a 15 year old be able to run?

Kids up to age 14 should only run three times per week. Athletes over 15 can train up to 5 times per week….Running Recommendations.

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Age Distance
Under 9 1.5 mile
9-11 3.2 miles
12-14 6.4 miles
15-16 Half Marathon: 13.1 miles

What is the youngest age to run a marathon?

18 years old
A review of dozens of different marathons around the United States show that many of them put forth a requirement that runners be 18 years old. A few others set the bar at 16. A few more suggest 14 years old as the cutoff. A couple races don’t have age requirements, but do require parental consent.

Is running 15km hard?

No, it is not particularly difficult to do that for a casual runner. That’s a moderate pace that most people can maintain over a distance. If a person never runs at all and then attempts 15K, they may find the distance challenging. But overall, 15km in 90 minutes is an easy run.