
What is a ledge in a building?

What is a ledge in a building?

The ledge is a projection from a wall. It usually serves the function of a shed to deflect rain from walls and windows. Many a time, they are designed to enhance the aesthetic view to the building.

What is loft in building?

In U.S usage a loft is an upper room or storey in a building, mainly in a barn, directly under the roof, used for storage (as in most private houses). An attic or loft can often be converted to form functional living accommodation (see loft conversion).

What is difference between loft and attic?

A loft room is accessed by a fixed staircase and has the whole loft area converted to a living space including the sloped eaves if the property has a pitched roof. An attic room is accessed by a fixed staircase and has the eaves area of the loft squared off to create a box room in the centre.

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What is the ledge of a house?

While a shelf is a horizontal piece affixed to a wall, a ledge may be built out of the wall like a ridge (framed into the wall and finished), built on top of a half wall or created from some trim work. Ledges can be deep or shallow, offering a variety of uses.

What is ledge or tand?

Ledge or Tand means a shelf-like projection, supported in any manner whatsoever, except by means of vertical supports within a room itself but not having projection wider than one meter; Sample 1.

What defines a loft?

1 : an upper room or floor : attic. 2a : a gallery in a church or hall. b : one of the upper floors of a warehouse or business building especially when not partitioned living in a converted loft.

How do you describe a loft?

In the United States, the term Loft is used to describe the upper storey in a building – directly under the roof. However, in the United Kingdom, it is nothing more than a storage space under a roof, to which a ladder usually leads.

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What do you mean by loft?

Is a loft considered a story?

A loft must meet the same criteria as an attic in order to be considered a story. As long as they have ceilings that are at least 7 feet high and meet the other IRC guidelines, they will be considered in the overall square footage of a home, but won’t be considered an extra story.

What is the difference between ledge and shelf?

is that ledge is a shelf on which articles may be laid; also, that which resembles such a shelf in form or use, as a projecting ridge or part, or a molding or edge in joinery while shelf is a flat, rigid, rectangular structure, fixed at right angles to a wall, and used to support, store or display objects.

What is mean by flown?

Flown is the past tense of fly, which is defined as when a person or thing moves through the air. An example of flown is someone having taken a flight from New York to Los Angeles.