
What is a professional learning network?

What is a professional learning network?

Purpose. For us, the term Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) represents any group who engages in collaborative learning with others outside of their everyday community of practice; with the ultimate aim of improving outcomes for children (Brown & Poortman, 2018).

Why is a PLN important?

A PLN allows you to personalize your learning. You get to choose your topic of focus, whether it’s picking up better technology skills or learning to differentiate instruction for a particular group of students you’re struggling to reach.

What is the role of personal and professional learning networks?

A PLN is a support network created by an individual, who has initiated connections usually across different social media platforms, for the purposes of extending and enhancing their professional knowledge (Richardson & Mancabelli, 2011; Trust, Krutka, & Carpenter, 2016).

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What are the benefits of professional learning?

Providing professional development training opportunities allows your staff to build confidence in the work they do. It also helps them to build credibility as they continue to gain new skill sets and certificates.

What are the benefits of a personal learning network?

A Personal Learning Network Is: Open collaboration, by choice, without limits. An opportunity to share ideas, resources, and learning materials with educators anywhere in the world. A way to gain a healthy third-person perspective on your practice. Maintained on personal social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter.

What are learning networks?

Learning Networks are on-line social networks through which users share knowledge with each other and jointly develop new knowledge. This way, Learning Networks may enrich the experience of formal, school-based learning and form a viable setting for professional development.

Why is it important for students to access prior knowledge to be successful in acquiring new knowledge?

Why is it important for students to access prior knowledge to be successful in acquiring new knowledge? Students must access prior knowledge to create schemas in his/her mind that develop neural pathways for new learning and understanding.