
What is a septum primum aneurysm?

What is a septum primum aneurysm?

Atrial septal aneurysm is a congenital malformation of the septum primum layer of the interatrial septum but differences between interatrial pressure forces have also been reported as a cause of its development.

Is atrial septal aneurysm considered heart disease?

An atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) is a rare but well-recognized cardiac abnormality of uncertain clinical significance.

How do you fix a atrial septal aneurysm?

Some large secundum atrial septal defects, however, might require open-heart surgery. Open-heart surgery. This type of surgery is done under general anesthesia and requires the use of a heart-lung machine. Through an incision in the chest, surgeons use patches to close the hole.

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How common is an atrial septal aneurysm?

Atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) is a congenital deformity of the interatrial septum with a prevalence of 1-2\% in the adult population. Although ASA has been supposed to be an incidental finding in echocardiographic examination, its structural and clinical associations have gained an increasing interest.

Can an atrial septal aneurysm rupture?

Spontaneous rupture of an aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva into the right atrium, associated with an atrial septal aneurysm.

Can an atrial septal aneurysm burst?

How common is atrial septal aneurysm?

Is atrial septal aneurysm hereditary?

The familial origin of atrial septal defects has been previously reported. This is the first study describing 2 families with atrial septal aneurysm of familial origin. The present study represents both clinically manifested and silent atrial septal aneurysms. Moreover, female gender predominance is also reported.

What are the symptoms of atrial septal aneurysm?


  • Shortness of breath, especially when exercising.
  • Fatigue.
  • Swelling of legs, feet or abdomen.
  • Heart palpitations or skipped beats.
  • Stroke.
  • Heart murmur, a whooshing sound that can be heard through a stethoscope.
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What is a hypermobile atrial septum?

An atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) is a hypermobile septum primum that demonstrates >10 mm of excursion into the alternating atria during the cardiac cycle (Figure 8-1-2). It is found in 2\% of adults and may further increase the risk of stroke when associated with a PFO and right-to-left atrial shunting.