
What is a struck by hazard?

What is a struck by hazard?

Content for Topic 1: A. Definition. Struck-by injuries are produced by forcible contact or impact between the injured person and an object or piece of equipment. Having said that, it is important to point out that in construction, struck-by hazards can resemble caught–in or –between hazards.

What are the 4 struck by hazards?

According to OSHA, the four most common struck-by hazards are being struck-by a flying, falling, swinging, or rolling object.

Which of the following is an example of a struck by hazard?

There are four common struck-by hazards in construction: struck-by flying objects, struck-by falling objects, struck-by swinging objects and struck-by rolling objects.

Is struck by hazards can be described as anytime a worker?

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A struck-by hazard can be described as: Not wearing a seatbelt while driving a forklift. Anytime a worker has the potential to be struck or hit by an object. Anytime a worker can get any part of his body caught in or in between objects.

What is struck by?

informal. : to be very impressed by or pleased with (something or someone) Visitors are always struck by the beauty of the landscape.

Which of the following is a fall hazard?

Safeopedia Explains Fall Hazard Examples of fall hazards include weak or defective ladders, ledges without adequate railing, carrying heavy objects, stairways, using a fork truck without a proper personnel platform, failing to use a guardrail on a scaffold etc.

What is an example of a stroke by flying hazard?

which one is an example of a struck-by flying hazard? hit by a load dropped from a crane. You just studied 30 terms!

What are the results of being struck-by falling objects?

You could suffer concussions, brain injuries, neck and back injuries, and even paralysis from being hit by an object. You may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits or be able to make a claim against a third party if your employer was not responsible for your injuries.

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What does struck someone mean?

: to cause (someone) to think about someone or something in a particular way It strikes me as peculiar that she left without a word. Her comment struck me as odd.

What causes fall hazard?

Fall Hazards in the Home Slips, trips or falls may be caused by a number of things, including: Unrepaired cracks in the driveway. Loose rugs. Stairs not up to code.

What does fall hazard mean?

A fall hazard is anything in the workplace that could cause an unintended loss of balance or. bodily support and result in a fall.

What type of struck by hazard would a hard hat protect you from?

Never nail into materials such as metal, knots or dense materials with a nail gun and receive training specific to the tool you are using. What type of struck-by hazard would a hard hat protect you from? Falling and flying.