
What is after Preantepenultimate?

What is after Preantepenultimate?

Coordinate terms. (adjectives denoting syllables): ultimate (last), penultimate (last but one), antepenultimate (last but two), propreantepenultimate (last but four)

What word comes before penultimate?

antepenultimate (not comparable) Two before the last, i.e., the one immediately before the penultimate, in a series. quotations ▼ This book has ten chapters — chapter 8 is the antepenultimate one.

What is the word for sixth to last?

penultimate – second to final. antepenultimate – third to final. preantepenultimate – fourth to final. antepreantepenultimate – fifth to final. preantepreantepenultimate – sixth to final.

What is the difference between penultimate and antepenultimate?

As nouns the difference between antepenultimate and penultimate. is that antepenultimate is two before the last in a series eg (, antepenultimate, penultimate, ultimate) while penultimate is a next-to-last thing.

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What is next to ultimate?

“The ultimate is preceded by the penultimate or to use a similar concept from the world of sports: first comes the semifinal, then the final” (Paul Spanring, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Arnold Koster, 2013).

What syllable from the end of a word does Preantepenultimate indicate?

The word for “fourth to last” is preantepenultimate.

Is Preantepenultimate a word?

(chiefly phonetics) Three before the end; fourth to last. (chiefly phonetics, obsolete, rare) Preantepenult. The word necessary is stressed on its preantepenultimate.

What is before the Preantepenultimate?

This train of prefixes surely needs uncoupling. Something that is ultimate is the last in a series (from Latin ultimare, come to an end); the penultimate is next to last (pen-, a prefix from Latin paene, almost); the antepenultimate is the one before that (ante-, previous, from Latin “ante”).

What does Preantepenultimate mean?

New Word Suggestion. Three before the end; fourth from last. This book has ten chapters; therefore, chapter seven is the preantepenultimate one.

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Is Penultimately a word?

Next to the last in order.

What word is after Ultimate?

Ultimate is the last or best, penultimate is the second to last, and finally antepenultimate is the third from last.

Is pen a prefix?

The prefix pen-, meaning “almost,” isn’t so common; penumbra, for example, means “almost shadow.” Antepenultimate, therefore, works out as “prior to almost the last.” (This very well could be the antepenultimate blog post of 2009!)