
What is Alolan Raticate?

What is Alolan Raticate?

Alolan Raticate (ラッタ) is the 16th Pokémon in the Alola Pokédex. It is a Dark/Normal type, and is known as the Mouse Pokémon. It is a regional variant of Raticate, native to the Alola region.

Is Alolan Raticate good?

Great League: 2.5 / 5 Alolan Raticate is a more of a specialist Pokemon in Great League, with a good stat spread and and a typing that hard counters Psychic and Ghost Pokemon.

How do you get Alolan to Raticate?

How To Catch Alolan Raticate will require players to trade the regular Kanto Version of the pokemon with a specific NPC found within Pokemon Centers throughout Lets Go. You can find the NPC that will trade Alolan Rattata at the Pokemon Center in Cerulean City. This pokemon can evolve into Alolan Raticate.

Is there a mega Raticate?

Pokemon 8020 Mega Raticate Pokedex: Evolution, Moves, Location, Stats.

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Does Alolan Rattata have a gender difference?

Gender Differences Alolan Rattata doesn’t have any differences to differentiate between male and female.

Why are alola Pokemon different?

They were created when Kantonian Pokemon travelled to the tropical region of Alola and had to adapt to the environment around them and protect themselves from predators. To do this, they changed forms, typings and even stats to better survive in the new habitat they were thrown into; except for Raichu.

Why are alola Pokémon different?

What is super effective against Alolan Raticate?

Raticate (Alola Form) is a Dark/Normal type Pokémon, which makes it especially weak against Fighting moves, and weak against Bug and Fairy moves.

Is Alolan Raticate in sword and shield?

However, unfortunately, Alolan Raticate is not available in Pokémon Sword, Shield, Brilliant Diamond, or Shining Pearl, so information here comes from the most recent generation it was in. This Pokémon cannot be sent to or used in Pokémon Sword, Shield, Brilliant Diamond, or Shining Pearl.

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What does an Alolan Raticate look like?

In Alola, Raticate has become heavier and darker due to its urban environment and higher calorie diet. Its fur is mostly black with a brown, leaf-shaped patch on its belly and brown inside its ears. Its hands, feet, cheeks, and tail are a whitish-cream color, and its hands are much smaller.

Is Alolan Rattata rare?

Not much, I’m afraid. It appears to be random chance. Shiny Pokémon catch rates are set by developer Niantic, and they are typically only boosted during special events like Community Days or Safari Zones, or in Legendary Raids. There are no consumable items that boost Shiny Pokémon rates.