
What is an example of a post secondary school?

What is an example of a post secondary school?

Postsecondary options are varied and may include public or private universities, colleges, community colleges, career/technical schools, vocational/trade schools, centers for continuing education, campus transition programs, and apprenticeship programs.

What is the difference between post secondary and college?

Postsecondary Education, also known as tertiary education, is the education level that follows the successful completion of secondary education, often referred to as high school. Postsecondary education includes universities and colleges, as well as trade and vocational schools.

Does post secondary include graduate school?

Graduate school is considered post secondary education. Any type of education that occurs after high school is considered post secondary education….

What are the 4 types of post secondary schools?

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Types of Postsecondary Options

  • Four-year Colleges and Universities.
  • Two-Year Colleges.
  • Vocational-Technical Schools and Programs.
  • Adult Education and Continuing Education Programs.
  • Life Skills Programs.

Is undergraduate post secondary?

Undergraduate education is education conducted after secondary education and prior to postgraduate education. It typically includes all postsecondary programs up to the level of a bachelor’s degree.

What are post secondary classes?

Postsecondary education, in a nutshell, refers to all education that takes place after high school. Although often thought of as university or college education, it can also include education at community colleges and trade schools. Postsecondary educational institutions can be privately funded or state-funded.

What is meant by secondary school?

secondary school. noun. a school for young people, usually between the ages of 11 and 18.

What is the difference between secondary and post secondary school?

The school system for Canadian children begins with elementary school and progresses to high school (or secondary school). This system is composed of twelve grades. Once a person completes Grade 12, they receive their high school diploma which makes them eligible for post-secondary education (college and university).

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Is graduate school post-secondary education?

Is Graduate School Post secondary?