
What is an null curriculum?

What is an null curriculum?

The null curriculum refers to the things that students do not have the chance and opportunity to learn. In this regard, learners learn something based on the absence of certain experiences, interactions and discourses in the classroom.

What are some examples of schools hidden curriculum?

Hidden curriculum consists of concepts informally and often unintentionally taught in our school system. Social expectations of gender, language, behavior, or morals are examples of this. The results of hidden curricula in schools filter out into society as students grow into adults.

What is an example of a curriculum?

The term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program. An individual teacher’s curriculum, for example, would be the specific learning standards, lessons, assignments, and materials used to organize and teach a particular course. …

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What is an absent curriculum?

The paper concludes that the “absent curriculum” is a hidden curriculum that suggests to groups whose histories are missing from the national curricula that they are relatively insignificant citizens in the community of the nation.

What is the difference between hidden curriculum and null curriculum?

Hidden and Null Curriculum. The hidden curriculum is an important concept for those interested in the schools as socializing agents and as agents of cultural reproduction. Closely related to the idea of the hidden curriculum is the concept of the null curriculum, which focuses on what schools don’t teach.

Who coined the term null curriculum?

In his 1979 analysis of the “educational imagination” at work in designing the curricula of schooling via its program offerings, Elliot Eisner coined the term null curriculum to identify one of three forms of curriculum he posited the school “teaches” its students.

What is the hidden curriculum provide two examples of hidden curriculum in the classroom?

Examples of things taught through the ‘hidden curriculum: respecting authority. respect for other pupils’ opinions. punctuality. aspiring to achieve.

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What is a Phantom curriculum?

Phantom curriculum: The messages prevalent in and through exposure to any type of. media. These components and messages play a major part in the enculturation of students. into the predominant meta-culture or in acculturating students into narrower or generational. subcultures.

What are the 7 types of curriculum?

Seven Types of Curriculum

  • Recommended Curriculum.
  • Written Curriculum.
  • Taught Curriculum.
  • Supported Curriculum.
  • Assessed Curriculum.
  • Learned Curriculum.
  • Hidden Curriculum.

What is absent or null curriculum?

The Null Curriculum is that which is not taught. Sometimes the teacher ignores some content or skill, deliberately or unknowingly. Sometimes also, the learner fails to learn certain knowledge, skills or attitude for various reasons. …

What is the null curriculum Eisner?

Eisner (1979) introduced the idea of the null curriculum—the material that schools do not teach—by declaring, “it is my thesis that what schools do not teach may be as important as what they do teach” (p. 83). The other is the content or subject areas that are present and absent in school curricula” (1979, p. 83).