
What is an open book examination?

What is an open book examination?

An “open book examination” is an assessment method designed in a way that allows students to refer to class notes, textbooks, or other approved material while answering questions. An open book exam can also mean that students are provided with the exam questions prior to writing the exam.

What is the advantages of open book examination?

Encourages students to pay attention in class: An open book exam will allow students to carry a sufficient number of materials to the exam hall. The students can certainly gather points from those reference materials while writing their answers. But this process can get very time-consuming.

What is open book exam Wikipedia?

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An “open book examination” is that in which students are allowed to refer to either class notes and summaries or a “memory aid”, textbooks, or other approved material while answering questions. Its like question paper is given to students prior to sitting the formal exam or are to complete as a ‘take-home’ exam.

What is open book education system?

An “open book examination” is one in which examinees are allowed to consult their class notes, textbooks, and other approved material while answering questions. Open-book exams allow you to take notes, texts or resource materials into an exam situation.

What is the disadvantage of open book exam?

Disadvantages of Open Book Examination It is difficult to judge whether all students have equally prepared for an exam or not. Also, some books are very costly and the library also has a limited number of books.

Are open book exams effective?

Taken together, an open-book test format is as effective as a closed-book test format in promoting long-term retention, even when the study material is not text materials.

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Can you pass an open book exam without studying?

You need to study for open-book exams just as you would for any exam. If you know your subject, you’ll have a knowledge base to draw on. You will also understand how and why topics are linked. Be familiar with your materials so don’t waste valuable exam time searching through them.