
What is another word for swimming in French?

What is another word for swimming in French?

faire de la natation; nager; se baigner….Translation Matrix for swimming:

Noun Related Translations Other Translations
natation swimming
Adjective Related Translations Other Translations
liquid; naiant

How do you say swimming in different languages?

In other languages swim

  1. American English: swim /ˈswɪm/
  2. Arabic: يَسْبَحُ
  3. Brazilian Portuguese: nadar.
  4. Chinese: 游泳
  5. Croatian: plivati.
  6. Czech: plavat.
  7. Danish: svømme.
  8. Dutch: zwemmen.

What is Natation English?

Definition of natation : the action or art of swimming.

What do we say volleyball in French?

volleyball n. volley-ball nm. Ex : garçon – nm > On dira “le garçon” ou “un garçon”.

What do we say cricket in French?


From To Via
• cricket → criquetcri-crigrillon ↔ krekel Gryllidae
• cricket → cricket ↔ Cricket
• cricket → cri-crigrillon ↔ Grille
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How do you spell tennis in French?

Elle joue au tennis. She plays tennis. Il est au tennis.

What FINA means?

Fédération internationale de natation
FINA (French: Fédération internationale de natation, English: International Swimming Federation) is the international federation recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for administering international competitions in water sports.

Is Natation plural in French?

The plural form of natation is also natation. …

What is the French word for netball?

Netball is a bit like basketball, and it’s often played by women. Le netball ressemble un peu au basket, et est souvent pratiqué par des femmes.

What does feminine mean in French?

Word forms: féminin, féminine. adjective. 1. [ sexe] female.