
What is atypical OCD?

What is atypical OCD?

Children and adolescents with OCD can present with atypical symptoms that may be missed or misdiagnosed. • Youth with OCD may have contamination obsessions about a time, place, or person previously experienced as distressing. • Other youth may experience primary sensory discomfort leading to compulsions or avoidance.

What is an example of an obsession in OCD?

Common obsessive thoughts in OCD include: Fear of being contaminated by germs or dirt or contaminating others. Fear of losing control and harming yourself or others. Intrusive sexually explicit or violent thoughts and images. Excessive focus on religious or moral ideas.

What is the most common type of obsession in OCD?

OCD often fixates around one or more themes. Some of the most common themes are contamination, harm, checking and perfection….Obsessions

  • I was attracted to that guy back there. This means I’m gay.
  • Other people can detect that deep down I’m into women.
  • Was I really into her when we dated? Or am I more into guys?
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What were 2 common types of obsessive thoughts People with OCD have?

Someone with OCD could potentially have any type of obsessive thoughts or any compulsive behavior, but these categories are seen most often:

  • Aggressive or sexual thoughts.
  • Harm to loved ones.
  • Germs and contamination.
  • Doubt and incompleteness.
  • Sin, religion, and morality.
  • Order and symmetry.
  • Self-control.

Is spitting a symptom of OCD?

However, some kids find the anxiety intolerable and they develop a physical reaction to manage their anxiety. Compulsive hand-washing and spitting are the most common.

What are examples of compulsions?

Common compulsions include excessive cleaning and hand washing; repeatedly checking doors, locks, appliances, and such; rituals designed to ward off contact with superstitious objects; using prayers or chants to prevent bad things from happening; arranging and rearranging objects; and hoarding huge numbers of ordinary …

What are 4 types of OCD?

Four dimensions (or types),of OCD discussed in this article, include;

  • contamination.
  • perfection.
  • doubt/harm.
  • forbidden thoughts.
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What are the 5 categories of OCD?

5 Common Types of OCD

  1. Organization. Possibly the most recognizable form of OCD, this type involves obsessions about things being in precisely the right place or symmetrical.
  2. Contamination. Contamination OCD revolves around two general ideas.
  3. Intrusive Thoughts.
  4. Ruminations.
  5. Checking.