
What is AWACS IAF?

What is AWACS IAF?

The DRDO Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&CS) is a project of India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation to develop an airborne early warning and control system for the Indian Air Force. It is also referred to as NETRA Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&CS).

What do AWACS planes do?

The aircraft is able to detect, track, identify and report potentially hostile aircraft operating at low altitudes, as well as provide fighter control of Allied aircraft. It can simultaneously track and identify maritime contacts, and provide coordination support to Allied surface forces.

How much AWACS India have?

Current AEW&C operators

Operator Aircraft Total
French Navy Grumman E-2C Hawkeye 3 or 4
Hellenic Air Force Embraer EMB-145H 4
Indian Air Force Beriev A-50EI 3
Indian Air Force DRDO AEW&CS 3
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Does India has AWACS?

IAF currently has just three Israeli Phalcon AWACS, with a 400-km range and 360-degree radar coverage, and two indigenous “Netra” AEW&C aircraft. The latter have indigenous 240-degree coverage radars, with a 250-km range, fitted on smaller Brazilian Embraer-145 jets.

What countries have AWACS?

17 NATO member nations participate in the NAEW&CF programme: Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

How many countries have Awacs?

How many AWACS does IAF operate?

IAF operates 3 Beriev A-50EI Phalcon AWACS along with One DRDO developed Netra AEW&CS.

Will Netra AEW&CS join IAF’s fleet?

IAF will be adding one more NETRA AEW&CS to its fleet soon but it is unclear if the third NETRA AEW&CS which will be used as a Testbed for bigger AWACS India program will ever join the fleet, since DRDO has been indicating that the third aircraft will be kept by DRDO for further testing or will be sold to friendly country in near future.

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What is “AWACS India”?

Under ” AWACS India”, IAF plans to procure Six DRDO designed Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) Radar system mounted on A330 platform but the deal is yet to be concluded and with further delays expected, IAF AWACS fleet of aircraft is unlikely to grow at a much faster rate than expected in the region.

How many Erieye AEW&C aircraft are in the PAF fleet?

As of now, After three new SAAB 2000 Erieye AEW&C aircraft induction, the PAF fleet contains 6 Erieyes in 3 Squadron and 4 ZDK-03s in Squadron 4 which makes total strength of its AWACS Aircraft fleet to 10, which is much bigger than AWACS fleet of aircraft operated by IAF which stands at only four.